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Jan 26th 2020
@Ndjour 1/
Second, Nicholas.
I use a dbl pronged descriptor:
We need Full-Faith & Complete-Confidence in the integrity of our elections๐Ÿ—ฝ

In GA we haven't either..
".. or a distant cousin, twice removed .."
"Cripple, put the Keystone, on the table."

___ Da Vinci Code
@Ndjour 2
Starts w/ #ProprietaryAndConfidential
US Laws & then

#PrivatelyOwned &
GA Taxpayers own #ElectronicVotingDevices w/
#CorruptibleCode impacting public services, schooling, taxation, commerce, GA's #GDP etc.
Election results drive it & we can't inspect suspect
@Ndjour 3
Documented, proven irresponsible #EMS methods & procedures have left GA voters private, personal & sensitive information available on the Web, for those who know how to find it.
There are at least 2 lawsuit's pending on these issues:
@CoalitionGoodGv &
Read 6 tweets
Oct 15th 2019
@kindlee55 @markniesse @PaperBallotsGA
Are you out of your mind?
Mark, you wrote a Vendors dream story.
Below Martha Morris' giddy, clueless cmt, was, "Another voter, Ronald McClung, said voting will be more difficult on the new machines...
Would you include his age of 86, if he was 46?
@kindlee55 @markniesse @PaperBallotsGA ...Itโ€™s going to be a slow thing,โ€ McClung said. โ€œYou have to take the paper out, look at it, walk it across the room and put it in. Thereโ€™s a lot of wasted paper."'
How you sung the company's (Dominion's) song:
"Georgia is replacing its 17-year-old digital voting system
@kindlee55 @markniesse @PaperBallotsGA , which didnโ€™t have a ^paper ballot.
voters make their choices on touchscreens. But with the new system, ea touchscreen is attached to a printer that produces a ^paper ballot. Voters can then review their selections before inserting their โ€ขballots into a scanning machines.
Read 11 tweets

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