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Oct 19th 2020
Japan's national news reported on #GeorgiaTheStateNotTheCountry 's voter suppression tonight. The world is taking heed. (thread) /1
Stacy Hopkins' vote was suppressed, so she along with other disenfranchised minorities are suing to claim voting rights and reg. again. /2
some cannot vote because of this. /3
Read 10 tweets
Sep 26th 2020
Breaking news: Georgia halts Logic&Acccuracy testing for Nov elections; serious database flaw found.
@CoalitionGoodGv filed this tonight:
With in-person voting only 11 business days away, county election officials will be hard-pressed to prepare the new system on time. With electronic voting systems, each piece must be tested prior to use. The new GA system has 80K devices to test.
Using #HandMarkedPaperBallots instead of ballot marking tablets would eliminate 85% of the testing; its likely the only way to make up for time lost with the database error.
Counties are already prepared with #HMPB for 10% of registered voters.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 25th 2020
Hot off the press: latest filing from @CoalitionGoodGv
complaint alleges that use of @dominionvoting BMD system violates the fundamental right to vote and guarantee of equal protection.
The request: #HandMarkedPaperBallots , lower scanner thresholds to count every vote, and require meaningful audits. Its critical that GA run a defensible, evidence-based election this November. The mountain of evidence we've filed is compelling.
The @CoalitionGoodGv is a small but powerful non-profit, focused on how the nuts and bolts of elections can make or break election integrity. Your donation will help make a difference:
Read 5 tweets
Mar 11th 2020
And so it begins.
Athens-Clarke County vs State Election Board
Bryan Sells addresses the SEB - updates that some polling places can fit the # of voting stations required, some do not.
Offers an alternate - put more stations per voter in some precincts than others.
Ryan Germany represents the SEB, begins by quoting the law requiring uniform voting system.
Says @dominionvoting system is being used in 158 counties.
Guess what - ACC is using the uniform system, following the Cobb pilot protocol, and the SEB's own emergency ballot procedure.
Germany quotes Supreme Court on "impracticable" - says it's mandatory and allows for emergency provisions. Misrepresents the basis for ACCs finding of "impracticable".
Says there is an emergency backup option, but you must try.
Read 92 tweets
Jan 26th 2020
@Ndjour 1/
Second, Nicholas.
I use a dbl pronged descriptor:
We need Full-Faith & Complete-Confidence in the integrity of our elections🗽

In GA we haven't either..
".. or a distant cousin, twice removed .."
"Cripple, put the Keystone, on the table."

___ Da Vinci Code
@Ndjour 2
Starts w/ #ProprietaryAndConfidential
US Laws & then

#PrivatelyOwned &
GA Taxpayers own #ElectronicVotingDevices w/
#CorruptibleCode impacting public services, schooling, taxation, commerce, GA's #GDP etc.
Election results drive it & we can't inspect suspect
@Ndjour 3
Documented, proven irresponsible #EMS methods & procedures have left GA voters private, personal & sensitive information available on the Web, for those who know how to find it.
There are at least 2 lawsuit's pending on these issues:
@CoalitionGoodGv &
Read 6 tweets

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