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Jun 28th 2022
What do you think it means to be a 2nd class citizen in Britain?
Fewer rights? Poorer housing? Inadequate healthcare?
Or that the police and justice system just don't want to support you? Or actually persecute you?
We must rally around those who need us.
We must build community. We must make an effort to reach those who seem beyond help. Shake the systems that keep people stuck. Refuse to continue blithely accepting what is simply unacceptable.
Without grassroots action and genuine connection, nothing will happen. Without tapping into the notion that we are each worthwhile, and stronger together, the status quo will remain.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 20th 2022
This #WorldRefugeeDay we would love you to pause for a moment and think what it means to be a refugee, why it matters to support refugees, and crucially, what we can ALL do to help 🧡✊
Because for refugees, the situation they have fled and the situation they find themselves in, can be massive, traumatic sticking points. Sometimes barely an escape at all - 'out of the frying pan into the fire', as it were. This #WorldRefugeeDay please listen...
This #WorldRefugeeDay please consider how YOU can act to help. Can you raise awareness on social media? At home, at work, with friends? Can you donate to organisations already fighting for refugees, like @JCWI_UK?
Read 5 tweets
Jun 14th 2022
Some people seem to think that Rwanda is a one-off act of cruelty: and that comparing it to other historical examples of cruelty is "taking it too far". But it is not. The hostile environment is an OFFICIAL government sanctioned policy for the past 10 years
And it really is a racist and ongoing extension of colonialism, where countless lives were exploited and they still are #endthehostileenvironment
Also honestly people still talk about how migrants drain resources from the British public when we have a billionaire chancellor. I think people just can't compute how much a billion is and how no one should be able to have that much personal wealth
Read 3 tweets
May 25th 2022
10 years ago today Theresa May first used the term 'hostile environment' to describe her punitive new immigration system plans. She set out to make life unliveable for people who couldn't 'prove' their right to be here. The results have been devastating..🧵…
4 years after HE policies were introduced, it emerged that govt had devastated the lives of many Windrush generation members.
At least 83 members of the Windrush gen were deported, many more were detained, at least 23 have now died without compensation.…
But the devastating effects of these policies stretch far beyond Windrush-they've made life hellish for so many who call Britain home.
Like Sarah - who came here age 2 but who govt pushed into limbo & robbed of rights due to an error on an immigration…
Read 11 tweets

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