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Dec 17th 2022
For month now, #FreeTheLeopards is a popular chant in the social networks. People demand especially from #Germany, to “finally take the foot from the break” and “send the Leopards”. As a Panzergrenadier Veteran and member of the #OSINT community, I want to give some insights 🧵
Main questions I hope to answer with the 🧵:

1. How many 🐆 MBTs are there?
2. How many does 🇩🇪 operate?
3. Are the stored Leopard 1 any good?
4. How many tanks does 🇺🇦 operate?
5. What does 🇺🇦 actually want?
6. What could be actually send?
7. Is 🇩🇪 blocking 🐆 from others?
1.&2.: 🇩🇪 owned 2.125 🐆2 MBTs in 1990. From these ≈1.800 were sold to other nations. 🇩🇪 reduced its own stock to 266 in 2020, soon to be re-increased to 328. The difference is accounted for by sales to many other nations and can be checked here:
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