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Apr 8th 2021
#SmallBusinessPulseSurvey: 14.2% of U.S. #SmallBusinesses experienced increase in operating revenues/sales/receipts last week, marking the fifth consecutive week of reported increases, based on #SBPS responses from 3/29 – 4/4. #CensusEconData #COVID
21.9% of U.S. #SmallBusinesses have experienced little or no effect from the #Coronavirus #pandemic based on responses collected 3/29 – 4/4 from the #SBPS, making it the largest estimate ever reported for this statistic. #CensusEconData #COVID
9.5% of U.S. #SmallBusinesses experienced an increase in the number of hours worked by paid employees in the last week based on responses collected 3/29– 4/4 from the #SBPS. For responses collected 3/22 - 3/28, this statistic was 9.0%. #CensusEconData #COVID
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