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Jan 24th 2022
#SeditionHunters - now that his sentencing’s over, let’s talk MAGAfluencer Brandon Straka's role in the Capitol attack. Straka (500K on Twitter) led his “WalkAway” campaign since 2018, widely flagged as a Russian asset. On Jan 6, left the VIP section with Michael Flynn & co..1/
Straka’s story has an hour gap, then he arrives at the E. Capitol just as invaders wrest open the Columbus Doors, races up the steps. Claims he stayed just “a few minutes”, never saw violence. Watch the sync: his video is at L. Full footage at link: 2/
Straka was listed as a speaker for the Lot 8 Stop the Steal rally (never happened), but didn’t go there - instead ran up the steps where Proud Boy leader Joe Biggs was queuing. There's a clear view of Biggs' group just before someone tells Straka "Senators are running out!" 3/
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