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Jan 7th 2020
Where do #QAnon devotees go to get caught up on the latest #QAnonsense these days? While the Q "drops" still get initially posted on shady sites such as 8chan, qmap(dot)pub is the hip site to visit to see all the Q mythology to date in one place.

cc: @ZellaQuixote
@ZellaQuixote We downloaded recent tweets linking to qmap(dot)pub, yielding 16441 tweets from 6269 accounts in the last 8 days. There are some bots in the mix, but we'll get back to that later, because there's a more interesting anomaly. . .
@ZellaQuixote Nearly a quarter (23.3%, to be precise) of recent tweets linking #QAnon website qmap(dot)pub are in Japanese, despite the site itself being an English-language site about a (mostly) US-centric conspiracy theory.
Read 8 tweets

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