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Jul 18th 2020
I have been called in to 52 Division. I am requesting access to my client - who has a constitutional right to counsel immediately and without delay pursuant to Section 10b of the Charter. It's been 3 hours now.
UPDATE: I was told by 52 division at 2:47 pm that I would be granted access to my client in 5 minutes. 5 minutes have turned into 30 minutes.
Update: My client is being detained without charges and without a lawyer. Section 10b of the Charter guarantees the right to counsel immediately and without delay. @marksaunderstps Release these Canadians now.
Read 14 tweets
Nov 16th 2018

It’s been a month since #fracking resumed in the UK for the first time in six years.

Here’s some things that everyone should know about the first few weeks of drilling for gas - in eight numbers!

The percentage of the British public which supports fracking, a number which has fallen from 18% in April. We don't want fracking.

The number of tremors which have been caused by fracking so far. Anyone in Holland can tell you that gas extraction can cause heightened seismic activity, and we’re experiencing an average of more than one quake per day.
Read 10 tweets

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