It’s been a month since #fracking resumed in the UK for the first time in six years.
Here’s some things that everyone should know about the first few weeks of drilling for gas - in eight numbers!
The percentage of the British public which supports fracking, a number which has fallen from 18% in April. We don't want fracking.
The number of tremors which have been caused by fracking so far. Anyone in Holland can tell you that gas extraction can cause heightened seismic activity, and we’re experiencing an average of more than one quake per day.
The point on the Richter scale at which Cuadrilla have to stop fracking. There have been five such moments of seismic activity so far, that we know of.
This is also the point on the Richter scale which Cuadrilla said they did not envision breaching.
The magnitude of the largest quake so far.
The level on the Richter scale which Cuadrilla is asking Government to make the new threshold at which they have to stop fracking. Energy Minister Claire Perry said that “only a very foolish politician would do so at this point”.
Sadly, that doesn’t exactly rule it out.
The number of activists sent to jail for peaceful protest against fracking.
After a campaign to #FreeTheThree and a hearing at the Court of Appeal, they were soon freed with their original sentence ruled as being excessive.
The number of wells which we would need to drill even to cut our gas imports by half.
A recent study found that to lessen our dependence on gas imports, it would require little less than the full scale industrialization of our countryside.
The number of years the UN just told us we have to avert complete climate catastrophe. And the head of the International Energy Agency just said there can be no new fossil fuel infrastructure.
That’s why fracking must end immediately.
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