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Jun 13th 2023
For every Sachin, there is Ramakant who coached him.

Likewise, for Vinayak, there was Ganesh, his eldest brother.

Let us know more about Babarao as he was fondly called on his Jayanti.

Ganesh Damodar Savarkar was born on this day in 1879.

From his childhood, Babarao was ImageImage
interested in our Itihasa and Purana's & also Yoga Kriya which left a deep impression on him.

Babarao, had to cut short his studies, as being the eldest son, had to take care of his 3 siblings as their parents passed away.

(Vinayak Studied Law & Ganesh became a Doctor).
As I mentioned above, the sacrifice of Babarao left deep impression on his siblings and they followed his principles, FOR LIFETIME.

It was 1905, Babarao from Maharashtra, opposed Bengal's partition and at the same time, he took care of Abhinav Bharat,
Read 14 tweets
Jun 13th 2022

Please read the 2nd paragraph in the image.

On this day in 1879, the eldest of Savarkar siblings fondly called Babarao Savarkar was born and the others being Veer Savarkar, Narayan Savarkar and Maina Savarkar.
He was the founder of Abhinav Bharath & subsequently 1 of the 5 who founded RSS

You have to know that

#BabaraoSavarkar was punished with
Kaalapani by British as he wrotes books instigating people against British.

Ganesh Damodar also wrote Christ Parichay claiming Jesus was born in Tamil Nadu, maybe to counter missionaries & rapid Christianization.

When Jackson was assassinated by Anant Kalhare in 1909,
Read 5 tweets

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