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Mar 12th 2022
#KashmirFiles: Let's talk about what happened in January 1990.
Governor Jagmohan’s first address that was broadcasted on TV & radio on Jan-20-1990 shocked everyone. In his address: "if anybody creates a law and order problem, meray haathon say aman ka patta khisak jaye ga."
Jagmohan threw away the cards of peace. Jan 20, 21 CRPF troops conducted widespread & warrantless house-to-house searches. Authorities claimed that the presence of several armed militants prompted the search operation. #KashmirFiles
However, none of over 400 persons who were dragged out of their homes into the biting cold of the night and arrested turned out to be a militant, neither was any weapon seized. #KashmirFiles
Read 43 tweets
Nov 18th 2021
There z a most militarised zone n the world named #Kashmir.
Where atrocities f #India r hidden under guise f largest democracy
4 Kashmiris were killed in fake encounter,buried at unknown location& families arrested over demand of dead bodies
Here is the youngest pellet gun victim of indian occupied #Kashmir!
Hiba, around 2 years of age, is the youngest pellet gun victim in #Kashmir. Here’s a short report by @BBCHindi which shows the public sentiment in the Indian Occupied Kashmir.
In Indian occupied #Kashmir, An ordinary man was beaten, strapped with ropes in front of military vehicle & cardboard placard was forced on his chest.
His tormentor was bestowed with official recognition and praise.
Read 22 tweets

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