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Aug 25th 2020
After yesterday's #RepealAB5 vote, I wanted to share the names of some Legislators who were there on the floor but did something worse than vote against the repeal, THEY REFUSED TO VOTE AT ALL. Thread coming.
First up is @ChristyforCA25! We all remember Christy for voting twice for #AB5, only to go down in flames during her Congressional run. She's running again, so the community needs to remind her again why she lost.
Next, we have @VoteCottie, the freshman Orange County Assemblywoman locked in a tight reelection race, time to send someone to Sacramento to vote, not take walks on votes!
Read 8 tweets
Aug 2nd 2020
To share what you wish you would have known years ago is to handover the chain of tokens, to the people, willing to unlock a better tomorrow. #giveback #NerdZen #TokensToZen #TheNerdsJourney
TokenToZen  #1:
Be Homo Ludens. Play is research. Innovation never stops playing. Put yourself in the players’ shoes. Our world needs true game changers. Be part of the action! #PlayYourDay #Gamification #SimonSinek #InfiniteGames #NerdZen #TokensToZen
TokenToZen #2:
If you ever got to choose what you will loose: Your Eyes or your Ears: How will you decide? A life without sight or a silent one? Choose wisely. Want a hint? Silence is consent? #DecisionMaking #MeaningfulConnections #NerdZen #TokensToZen
Read 52 tweets

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