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Feb 18th 2022
Trucker in the #Ottawa zello channel saying they took his kids.

Convoy east says police would have no problem going door to door for jews; calls them nazis.

#OttawaOccupation #ottawaoccupiers #FluTrucksClan #GoHomeFluTruxKlan #RamRanchResisitance
I can hear what the protestors call the "mainstream media" in the background of some of these guys' zellos 🤷‍♀️

Another trucker: "I would start doing donuts and start knocking them down like bowling pins" (referring to cops).

So peaceful.

#OttawaOccupation #ottawaoccupiers
The Convoy to Ottawa chat is missing some trolls... Just an FYI

#OttawaOccupation #ottawaoccupiers #FluTrucksClan #GoHomeFluTruxKlan #RamRanchResisitance #ramranch
Read 53 tweets
Feb 8th 2022
Transport XLR

Not a working class Joe. A Capitalist enterprise. The employees are working class. #GoHomeFluTruxKlan
ANDY Transport.

Not a working class Joe. A Capitalist enterprise.
Paul Donaldson Construction. Not a working class Joe, a capitalist enterprise.
Read 38 tweets
Feb 4th 2022
Back from a walk downtown and as someone who studies protest camps, the idea of #FreedomConvoyCanada as an #OttawaOccupation is spot on. It has all the hallmarks of a protest camp in that it is a both an act of protest & social reproduction #FluTrucksClan
Urban protest camps can feed off city infrastructure (gas & food) and also supplements it. Scattered downtown are tables full of supplies, socks, granola bars, shovels and stacks of TP. There also appear to be people with sleds pulling supplies around.
It's also interesting to note how clean (for now) the streets are. On my walk through I saw a few small teams actively cleaning the streets and filling garbage bags. Of course, this is key for one's image.
Read 9 tweets

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