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Feb 19th 2022
🧵1. Let us break down the #GrandmaHorse incident. First we need to see what happened just minutes BEFORE she showed up to the front lines. It was very clear what #OttawaPolice were doing. No surprise to the tactic.

#antivaxxers #Clownvoy #ottawaoccupiers #GoHomeTerrorists
🪡2. Once #GrandmaHorse showed up this streamer decided to present her as a sheild. Almost like those kids we have seen between the cops and parents. Go figure 🙄

#FluTruxClan #cdnpoli #onpoli #ottawaprotest
🪡3. Then we have the ‘now infamous’ #OttawaPoliceFailed ‘trampling’ of #GrandmaHorse where this streamer also did not try to protect her and used her as a sheild himself. Note* the police picked her up immediately.

@JaneQCitizen @ARCCollective @antihateca
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