🧵Introducing : Darlene. This woman has organized @FreedomNova rallies since COVID19 restrictions began in 2020. From flat(earth) out denial of COVID19 being real to present day of supporting Putin's invasion of #UkraineUnderAttack#UkraineRussianWar#Antivaxxer#FluTruxKlan@FreedomNova She has also organized these rallies with a local evangelical homophobic pastor named Bill.
Mar 3, 2022 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
BREAKING : Inside sources comfirm #QAnonCult Romana Didulo and her entourage were required to wear a mask to gain entry to Newfoundland by ferry.
🧵1. Let us break down the #GrandmaHorse incident. First we need to see what happened just minutes BEFORE she showed up to the front lines. It was very clear what #OttawaPolice were doing. No surprise to the tactic.
The #ConvoyForFreedom2022 decided to block Marine Atlantic's entrance with their convoy. Keep in mind this does not consist of any semi's. All I could see was the same #antivaxxers who have been covid denier's for the last year in local social media groups. /1
I decided I would drive over to see who was involved and why? @nsgov clearly released an injunction against any blockades or 'slow roll convoys'. Why would these guys just blatantly ignore that? So I put my 'trigger' mask on and headed down after a 20 min drive. /2