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Jun 5th 2020
Quick #INPrimary afterthought on the two open-seat congressional races: in #IN05, both @Victoria_Spartz and @HaleIndy ran the table, winning all 9 counties -- in fact, Spartz and @BethForIndiana finished 1-2 everywhere. 1/
#IN01, though, has 3 counties, and three different winners. @JimHarperIN won his home county of Porter; @gomcdermott won LaPorte -- @Fjmrvan was 4th there. But Mrvan won Lake, which has more than 2x the votes of the other two combined. His 4,700-vote cushion there was plenty. 2/
Top vote-getters in Lake: Mrvan, McDermott, Borom, Reardon, Haake, Harper

In Porter: Harper, Mrvan, McDermott, Reardon, Haake, Borom

In LaPorte: McDermott, Harper, Reardon, Mrvan, Borom, Haake

Overall: Mrvan, McDermott, Harper, Borom, Reardon, Haake

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Jun 3rd 2020
At least 7 counties are still tallying mail-in ballots: Marion, Hamilton, Boone, LaPorte, Porter, Monroe, St. Joseph.

Boone and Monroe have released no totals so far; they plan to announce their results all at once. Monroe expects a count later today; likely tomorrow in Boone.
Missing counties leave at least two #INLegis races in limbo. No results yet for the seat of retiring Sen. Mark Stoops (D-Bloomington), which is entirely within Monroe County; 3-way race includes @ZodyforIN and @shelliyoder. #INPrimary 2/
Indy Rep. @shedop appears to be the lone #INLegis incumbent at risk of losing her primary, trailing former State Board of Accounts auditor John Jacob by 159 votes. Marion County has as many as 78K ballots still to count, but only a fraction of those would be in that district. 3/
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Jun 3rd 2020
With four vote centers (and mail-in ballots) still uncounted, John Jacob has stretched his lead to 123 votes over Rep. Dollyne Sherman (R-Indianapolis). #INPrimary.
There's some kind of glitch with this race. @shedop now has a 713-vote lead on John Jacob -- but Johnson County results on @SecretaryLawson's website show her winning the county 836-0. Which, um, seems unlikely. Jacob leads in Marion County, with four vote centers still out.
Other sites indicate Jacob winning Johnson County by 62 votes, giving him a 185-vote lead on Sherman. Still waiting on the final Marion County results, plus the mail-in ballots.
Read 3 tweets
May 28th 2020
Besides Sanders, 7 inactive candidates will be on IN's Democratic presidential ballot. In all but 1 #INPrimary since 1988, "zombie candidates" combined for at least 15% of the vote.

4 inactive #INPrimary candidates cleared 15% by themselves, tho 2 were the only challenger on the ballot: Pat Buchanan '92 (20%) & John McCain '00 (19%). Buchanan also got 19% in '96 w/Steve Forbes on the ballot, and Bill Bradley got 22% in '00 with Lyndon LaRouche getting 3%. 2/
Other combined "zombie candidate" totals:

1988 R: 20% (Dole, Robertson, Kemp)
1988 D: 22% (Gore, Gephardt, Simon)
1992 D: 15% (Tsongas, Kerrey)
2004 D: 27% (Edwards, Dean, Clark, Kucinich, LaRouche)
2008 R: 22% (Huckabee, Romney, Ro. Paul)
2012 R: 20% (Santorum, Gingrich)

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May 15th 2020
Box: total number of patients in the hospital peaked April 14 at around 1800. Steady decreases since then.
(Total #coronavirus patients, obvs.)

Box credits Hoosiers' observance of #socialdistancing and #stayhome orders.
Read 23 tweets
Apr 17th 2020
Indiana Election Commission meeting to discuss June 2 #INPrimary plan gets off to a rocky start, with someone zoombombing the videoconference.
The commission's order for the primary requires at least one voting location for every 25,000 voters. It shortens the #earlyvoting window to eight days.
Bipartisan Election Commission unanimously approves #INPrimary order. The commission will hold at least two more pre-election meetings, one next week and one next month.
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