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Aug 31st 2020
From the archives:

"This is their space to take the next steps in their sober life. That's so important to us, and it would be so important to Sydney that they have a safe space."


"I have a new sense of power, and I'm grateful to be who I am. I am proud of who I am. It's a struggle still every day — some days are better than others — but ... I grew in huge ways that I will get to carry with me forever."…
More hope:

"You can’t just lock people up and expect them to change. You have to do something. We just can’t do it like we always did.”…
Read 5 tweets
Aug 31st 2020
August 31 is International #Overdose Awareness Day. Every year I reflect on all the people we’ve lost, but especially Arielle. Here we are at 18 - careless, happy assholes. She was brilliant, snarky, a talented musician, and she died at age 26 from a poisoned drug supply. Image
In the last 2 years of her life, Arielle went to jail, went to rehab, and “got clean.”

Jail didn’t save her.
Rehab didn’t save her.
Abstinence didn’t save her.

#SCS could’ve saved her. #safesupply could’ve saved her.
#MOUD could’ve saved her.
#Naloxone could’ve saved her.
There is no excuse for her death or for any of the 71,000 overdose deaths in 2019, not when evidence-based treatments for #OUD exist. Not one damn more person should die alone from a treatable condition in the year #2020.
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