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Oct 6th 2022
A few days ago, @Northeastern Senior Vice Provost David Luzzi (…) had motion sensors installed under all of our desks in #ISEC. This was done overnight and without our consent.

A thread: (1 of N).
The alleged reason for the sensors was to conduct a study on desk usage. Reader, we have assigned desks, and we use a key-card to get into the room, so, they already know how and when we use our desks.

(2 of N).
We wrote a letter to David and to @PresidentAoun requesting the sensors be removed, noting .
- they serve no scientific purpose
- they are intimidating
- they change our behaviors (students don't want to be surveilled thus do not use their desks) so the data is flawed

(3 of N).
Read 21 tweets
Apr 21st 2022
Q&A Insights: Kashyap Javeri from @EmkayGlobal Investment asked about the spend of budgets that were 2x in FY22 vs. FY21. Harvinder CFO said that the 2x budget were for technology spend which has been growing and it was higher by 70% in FY22. And for FY23 it’s 2.5 times vs. FY22.
Q&A Insights: Prayesh from @MotilalOswalLtd asked about the share of the recurring segment on the corporate finance side and its outlook. Harvinder CFO said that ISEC has a 70% market share in the equity capital market. For outlook, on private equity M&A, ISEC is seeing traction.
Read 8 tweets
Dec 10th 2019
Stock in the trend and good bet for risk and reward ratio.
Waiting for the price to come near the trend line.
Identified this stock using the positional stocks screen.…

Any suggestions are welcome on this. ImageImage
Update: Image
Read 6 tweets

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