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Jun 10th 2023
Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC): a 🧵

Inspired by the recently developed @AASLDtweets guidance, available in preprint format (most images take from preprint)

Screen in high risk patients (see picture) q6 mo using:
⚠️ AASLD does NOT recommend routine use of CT/MRI for screening

Stop screening if:
🛑 CPT C cirrhosis not eligible for transplant
🛑 Life limiting comorbidities Image
HCC screening in HCV s/p SVR:

🛑AASLD does not recommend screening for stage 3 fibrosis
👍 Screen patients with cirrhosis

@gnioannou, et al., showed continued HCC risk in:
🔹 Cirrhotics
🔹 If FIB-4 >3.25 at the time of SVR, with or without cirrhosis

🔗… ImageImage
Read 10 tweets
Oct 28th 2022
📽️Watch NOW & Summit #HCC Mts🏔---🧗🏽AEs w AA ICIs & combos--- 🧗‍♂️Practical approaches & nuances---🧭w @MarkYarchoan @marinabaretti @MPishvaian---🆓#CME BonumCE🔗… by edu grants from Eisai & @Merck---#TumorBoardTuesday…
🪂BEFORE diving in 🪂…
🔗👇open link below (right click🖱️> open in 🆕tab)
✅ Answer #PreTest polls
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3/ #TumorBoardTuesday #HCC #OncTwitter #GITwitter #LiverTwitter

🟠Earn 🆓 #CME 🏆
🟠#CME ℹ️🔗

📸 Faculty disclosures & important CME info 👇 Image
Read 10 tweets
Aug 23rd 2022
Despite recent media, want to give a bright shout-out to Meta's @HorizonWorlds ✨ and the fabulous communities growing here. Platform is still young w/ some promising (unique!) features. Like all, it will grow and gather its own niche of wonderful #VR Creators and Developers.
𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲𝘀, 𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 & 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗲:
⚡ Horizon Creator Community (#HCC)
@museumpaige founder of Better World Museum
@failedtorender funniest VR peeps 😂
@ItsKaceymon tech-loving innovator
and so many more.
Don't judge a platform by its cover or ratings. Encourage everyone to visit all these spaces and meet their communities. See for yourself! Honestly, I find beauty and inspiration in each and every one of them 💛 #socialVR #spatialnetworks
Read 3 tweets
Jun 23rd 2022
📢Personalized medicine in #NAFLD by @DrLoomba

✅Current gaps in #NAFLD:
- Rapid progressors
- non-cirrhotic HCC

😧At risk NASH (F2 beyond)? Try these👇
✅FAST (low PPV) - exclude biopsy
✅MAST (PPV 91-97) - rule-in & treat

#ILC2022 #Livertwitter @EASLedu
Personalized medicine in #NAFLD by @DrLoomba

🔥Gut microbiome (AUROC 0.936)
- Detect advanced #fibrosis
- Identify 1st-degree relative with #cirrhosis (ethnically universal)
👉DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2020.06.005

- FGF19 treatment response in #NASH

#ILC2022 #LiverTwitter @EASLedu
Personalized #NASH treatment by @DrLoomba

Choose yr drugs based on🎯
#Fibrosis reversal vs #NASH resolution?

✅Combination = way forward. Why?
⏬Dose ( ?potentially ⏬AE)

#ILC2022 #LiverTwitter @jturnesv @aelsharkawy75 @IanARowe @DharJahnvi @drshafikuchay
Read 4 tweets
Oct 31st 2021
#tweetorial 🧵
🚩AL & MM - Transcriptional patterns link common causal root with differing behaviours
➡️Light-chain amyloidosis (AL) and multiple myeloma (MM), are plasma cell (PC) malignancies with strikingly different clinical presentations 🥼🩺
➡️Success in🎯identifying these mechanisms has thus far been limited 👎
➡️Alameda et al define a “transcriptional atlas” of normal PCs, AL amyloidosis, MM, and MGUS, identifying 13 different transcriptional patterns linking distinct PC dyscrasias to subsets of normal developing PCs, with diagnostic 🔬and prognostic implications
Read 19 tweets
Dec 20th 2020
#climat #5G #HCC
1/12 Le @hc_climat à sorti son rapport sur l'impact environnemental de la #5G.
Et c'est plutôt bien foutu et intéressant. 5 scénarios sont établis :
- 3 de développement de la 5G (haute, intermédiaire et basse)
- 2 de non déploiement (haut et bas). Image
2/12 On constate aussi que les 3/4 des émissions de GES lié à la 5G sont dû au travail en amont (fabrication des terminaux, mise en place du réseau et construction des datacenters) et que l'utilisation en elle même compte pour 1/4. Image
3/12 Le @hc_climat regrette que le déploiement ait été initié antérieurement aux analyse d'impacts climatique et conseil qu'à l'avenir, ces démarches soient effectués en amont.
Read 13 tweets
Jul 1st 2020
Bird’s-eye view 👁 on what to look out for @WCGIC #WorldGI2020.
Opening remarks on important data 📺 @myESMO - by Dr. Eric Van Cutsem @UZLeuven.
🟩Good to see more #PrecisionMedicine🧬
🟥#Immunotherapy #Immuno-#oncology
🟦TNT & other chemo strategies
@Annals_Oncology #OncoAlert
🆕#ctDNA #liquidbiopsies 🩸🧬
👀 👇🏾at the number of #clinicaltrials cropping up in this space‼️
We have 2🇺🇸studies open. #CRCSM #WorldGI2020
#WORLDGI2020 This is 🆒 ☢️ 32-P EUS-guided implantation in #pancreascancer #PANCSM @myESMO @WCGIC @Annals_Oncology.

Still miles to go. OS median of 16 months pointing again to the systemic nature of disease. Need to piggyback these local approaches to better systemic. #OncoAlert
Read 55 tweets
Jun 25th 2020
For #GIJournalClub – we will discussing the @NEJM article:
Atezolizumab + Bevacizumab in Unresectable HCC (IMbrave150 trial) by Dr. Richard Finn et al.
Expert opinion: @SeragHashem
Moderators: @AtoosaRabiee @jturnesv…

#livertwitter #GIJC #hpbcsm
✅ Sorafenib in 2008: improved OS + longer time to radiologic progression vs placebo…

Single agent PD-L1 inhibitor w/o improved OS
✅ Nivoumab vs sorafenib: No statistically significant improvement in OS w/nivolumab…
Background – drug mechanisms:
- Atezolizumab: a programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) inhibitor
- Bevacizumab: a monoclonal antibody targeting the VEGF
- Sorafenib: multikinase inhibitor

[Picture credit:…]
Read 15 tweets

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