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Oct 7th 2020
"Development is not the big issue here – both on the engine and fuel side. The problem is the business case. So far it makes no financial sense to build zero emission ships." – Jakob Steffensen, @DFDSGroup Head of Innovation & Technology #IVIW2020 Image
.@hellings_bart of @GoodFuelsmarine is convinced that the #ammonia and #methanol route is promising, but the business case is not yet there as current demand is insufficient. #IVIW2020 Image
#Aviation contributes 2-3% of CO2 emissions, but takes decarbonising very seriously. There's no silver bullet to eliminate our impact, we need a series of solutions: batteries; fuel cell tech; & H2 combustion engines—a #renewables surrogate.”—@Airbus’s Glenn Llewellyn #IVIW2020 Image
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