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Aug 7th 2018
It’s actually remarkable that we still fall for the sales pitch that cars equal freedom. There’s nothing free about the lack of choice that comes from car dependancy. And building our city-regions around cars is the most costly thing we can do. Does that sound “free” to you?
“Hell is other people.” — Jean-Paul Sartre.

“Traffic is other people.” — every driver.

HT @DarrenDavis10
It’s that time again. Thanksgiving traffic in the United States reminds us that we’re not stuck in traffic — we are traffic. And the only thing we’re really stuck in is the belief that we can’t make different choices. Via @DanLinden @abcnews
Read 12 tweets
Jul 17th 2018
#Livetweeting from #Manningham #NELink forum, where it's a full house, @tonybmorton currently providing background, talking about LA traffic issues, now explaining #inducedtraffic effect, especially when transport alternatives are poor
Now onto #NELink, origins in 1960s freeway plan, linking F18 / F19, prime objective making it 'easier' to drive into central Melbourne... then find a parking spot... Tony onto explaining the triple threat of #WestGateTunnel / #EWLink /#NELink
What's driving this massive road developments, despite poor BCR for #EWLink? @tonybmorton believes it's government allowing unsolicited proposals. And Transurban pushing their commercial interests
Read 24 tweets

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