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Oct 6th 2022
🌏Today is #InternationalGeodiversityDay declared by UNESCO to recognise the importance of geosciences in solving the major challenges faced by humanity today.

So what does #geodiversity mean & how can #India better acknowledge & conserve its incredible #geoheritage?

Thread🧵 A creative with a quote defining geodiversity as the variety
At present, #India classifies #geodiversity in different ways.

Here are some broad categories that may serve us well:

Geo-monuments, #fossil sites, archaeological sites, and landscapes - we've listed many sites under the first 3 categories, yet we need to do SO much more. A creative showing 4 icons for the various categories of geo
Here's an example from Gandikota, #AndhraPradesh.

There is no interpretation sign/infrastructure at the incredible canyon carved by the Penna river & the archaeological ruins, nor at the Belum limestone caves nearby:

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