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Jun 15th 2023
Anyone mocking #sati or #jauhar.
show him\her this video.
My father called my sister.

My sister Maan Kaur was 18 years old.

She sat down and my father raised the sword & but it didn't strike it properly.

My didi (sister) lifted her braid over her head and father angrily pulled her head scarf back

And brought down the sword
Read 6 tweets
Aug 14th 2022
#ChanderiChronicles #thread The beautiful town of Chanderi, surrounded by the Vindhyachala ranges is one of the best kept secrets of @MPTourism. The town sits low below a ridge that is crowned by the magnificent #Chanderi fort.
When we say #Chanderi, most of us textile enthusiasts think of the diaphanous, light-as-air Chanderi sarees, a fabric known for its subtle jari motifs and gossamer thin translucence that made Chanderi the favourite of erstwhile royal families of Rajasthan, MP and Maharashtra
But there is so much more to #Chanderi. Once known as Chandrapuri and Chedi Nagri, the town of Chanderi and the countryside around it formed a part of the Chedi kingdom. Chandrapuri is believed to be the capital of Vakradanta, the father of Shishupal mentioned in the Mahabharat.
Read 14 tweets
May 9th 2020
On #MahaRanaPratapJayanti let me share a small thread in Life and Times of #MaharanaPratap

#MaharanaPratap was born to Rana Udai Singh II on 09 May 1540 in Kumbalgarh fort and went on to become the 13th king of the Mewar State.

#Maharana was perhaps the only king of the #Mewar State who did not build or add to any of the existing palace.

#MaharanaPratap's entire life and energy was spent fighting the Mughals esp Akbar.

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