#HurricaneFlorence #HurriicaneIsaac #TyphoonMangkhut #Olivia #Joyce #HurricaneHelene #TropicalStormPaul #Joyce #Barijat
"coastal areas impacted by waves/winds"

9 Fruits of the Spirit
9 Gifts of the Spirit
The fruit of the Spirit are Faithfulness, Gentleness, Goodness, Joy, Kindness, Long suffering, Love, Peace & Self-control Galatians 5:22-23
Barijat Mangkhut Olivia Paul Joyce Florence Isaac Helene
Word of Knowledge
Word of Wisdom
Gift of Prophecy
Gift of Faith
Gifts of Healings
Working of Miracles
Discerning of Spirits
Different Kinds of Tongues
Interpretation of Tongues
The name Olivia according to Latin interpretation it simply means "olive branch,"
#HurricaneFlorence #HurriicaneIsaac #TyphoonMangkhut #HurricaneOlivia #HurricaneJoyce #HurricaneHelene #TropicalStormPaul #Joyce #Barijat
Israel’s salvation – the OLIVE tree (Romans 11)
Israel as a nation – the FIG tree (Matthew 21)
Israel’s spiritual state – the VINE (Isaiah 5)
The parable of the 3 trees relates the ‘trees’ to a relationship between God & His people.

#HurricaneFlorence #HurriicaneIsaac #TyphoonMangkhut #HurricaneOlivia #HurricaneJoyce #HurricaneHelene #TropicalStormPaul #Joyce #Barijat

The name Florence comes from Latin florens, florentius "blossoming", verb floreo, meaning "to flower", in the sense of a blossom.
1 Peter 1:22-25

Remember #HurricaneHarvey

Forecasters have already warned that the storm could pose a danger to life when Helene smashes into Wales next week.
#HurricaneFlorence #HurriicaneIsaac #TyphoonMangkhut #HurricaneHelene #TropicalStormPaul

as I have been saying:
"at some point coincidences become mathematically impossible"
... but I felt it needed its own
The time is short & the enemy is getting desperate.
Satan comes to kill, steal & destroy but the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ.
#OpioidCrisisResponse Act of 2018 Passes today
The name Florence means to flower
The Greek word anthos ἄνθος for flower is a reference to the bright flowers such as poppies where opium is derived
#HurricaneFlorence made landfall in Wilmington that is #1 in opioid abuse

Ali left at least 2 dead, many injured & w/o power
Ali means Caliph (chief Muslim civil & religious ruler)
I believe that everything that happens in the natural is reflective of what is taking place in the spiritual.
Take a look at what's going on w/ the British
Please do not reply to this tweet in the Thread as I will delete it after I ponder a bit more on this... I am a bit perplexed.
If you have any thoughts please feel free to reply to the tweet above ^^^