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En el "Día del Ambiente", revelamos una información crucial que expone la verdad detrás de YPF y sus planes destructivos para nuestros mares.

Recientemente, obtuvimos acceso a un documento interno filtrado de una agencia de comunicación que fue presentado a YPF. Su título es: 🪡 ImageImageImageImage
"YPF. Exploración offshore con licencia social".

¿Cuál es su objetivo? Pretenden forzar en los medios y redes sociales la supuesta legitimidad social del proceso de exploración sísmica en el Mar Argentino.

@YPFoficial, ¿por qué recurrir a estas tácticas de comunicación si no 🪡
están buscando perpetuar una mentira? ¿Qué intereses ocultos hay detrás de negar la realidad biológica y física de nuestro planeta?

¡Basta de tanta manipulación! Exijimos que digan la verdad y demuestren acciones reales hacia una transición energética.

Read 5 tweets
For #WorldEnvironmentDay, we’re taking a look at the policy impact pathways of the @EcologicEU - a German Think Tank focused on environmental issues 🧵

@EcologicEU The research cited in their publications come from all over the world. However the most frequently cited universities are @WUR @uniofeastanglia @VUamsterdam @UniofOxford @PIK_Climate
@EcologicEU @WUR @uniofeastanglia @VUamsterdam @UniofOxford @PIK_Climate Their reports are also referenced extensively by policy sources across the world, with almost 500 policies referencing work by @EcologicEU. They are frequently cited in publications from @OECD @EUPublications @EUCouncilPress
Read 10 tweets
Our research on the links between climate, environment and conflict in #Somalia focuses on the impact of the devastating drought, compounded by conflict and Al-Shabaab’s harsh policies, on the displacement of millions.

🧵 for #WorldEnvironmentDay.
Deforestation in Somalia for wood burning and charcoal production leads to catastrophic consequences.

It exacerbates the effects of drought and floods and provides funding opportunities to the militant group Al-Shabaab.
According to @UNEP, deforestation threatens drought-tolerant trees like the Acacia.

For @HodderClimate, the regeneration of the environment is important for soil health and also to ease tensions over natural resource competition and reduce displacements.…
Read 10 tweets
This week's #MunicipalistMonday 🧵 weaves the story of Mondeggi Bene Comune. For a decade, in Florence, this communal democratic space has explored how we can produce & live together – living through solidarity, autonomy & participative democracy.
#WorldEnvironmentDay Image
On Florence's outskirts, Mondeggi Bene Comune is a 200 ha former state-owned farm that was going to be sold off in 2013. A movement ( including Terra Bene Comune network & peasant movement Genuino Clandestino) rejected privatisation. They demand everyone has rights to land. Image
Today hundreds of people organise collectively in Mondeggi Bene Comune around cultural events and activities such as olive growing, collective gardening, wine making, baking and brewing. It also participates in local markets and supports popular canteens. Image
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On #WorldEnvironmentDay, we've published our UK Environmental Accounts🌍

UK greenhouse gas emissions on a residence basis increased by 3% between 2020 and 2021, to 502 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (Mt Co2e).

➡️… UK Environmental Accounts: ...
Households are the largest single contributor to UK emissions (consumer expenditure e.g. on heating and travelling), up 7% to 26% of the 2021 total 🔥🚗

The energy sector was second highest with 17% of the total. Line chart showing agricult...
Agriculture, forestry and fishing was by far the most emission intensive industry in 2021 🐄🌲🐟

This is largely due to the agriculture industry being the heaviest emitter of the potent greenhouse gas methane (CH4). Line chart showing agricult...
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'Just do the work and see what happens.' This is our motto too, in case you wondered what we are doing at Oh Koh :) 'When you see a #documentary you expect to be #informed or to be #angry but you don't expect to be #moved.'

Image: Preetha Kannan Image
Thierry Gaudin about his music video 'We are the Earth'. That is what is happening with Other Kohinoors - people are getting moved & that is serving as the #trigger for further #development... He further says: 'it gives you the #energy and you do what you want with it.
Read 3 tweets
"Il #5giugno di ogni anno ricorre la #giornatamondialedellambiente , la giornata delle Nazioni Unite (ONU) che incoraggia la consapevolezza e l'azione a livello mondiale per proteggere l'ambiente. Il tema di quest'anno è "Solo una Terra". ⬇2
In #Palestina, questa giornata arriva in un momento dove l'impatto negativo del regime coloniale e dell'apartheid di Israele sull'ambiente sta diventando sempre più evidente.

Ciò vale in particolare per la Striscia di #Gaza, ⬇3
Read 17 tweets
"The livestock sector is currently the single major driver of habitat loss and degradation, which is in its turn a leading cause of species decline and extinction worldwide."

Important study + 🧵thread on this main driver of biodiversity loss:…
"The production of livestock alters natural habitats not only via land-use change, but also through its outputs of agrochemicals, nutrients, sediments, antibiotics and hormones into natural environments."
"The multiple, synergetic, and ubiquitous past and present processes by which human carnivory threatens the world's biodiversity makes it arguably the most detrimental aspect of our ecology, from a conservation point-of-view."

Read 7 tweets
Q: Want to know what we’re doing to show Heart for our #OnlyOneEarth? #WorldEnvironmentDay🧵
A: We’re investing in exciting technology designed to create Sustainable Aviation Fuel originating from agricultural waste, and inviting Customers to contribute to the purchase of offsets from carbon avoidance projects every time they fly.
Q: What are carbon avoidance projects?
Read 7 tweets
🔥🌿Segundo dados do INPE, a Amazônia brasileira teve 2.287 focos de incêndio em Mai/22, o maior número para o mês em 18 anos.

➡️Maioria dos incêndios vem de queimadas agrícolas em áreas desmatadas ilegalmente

#DiaDoMeioAmbiente50Anos #AmazoniaÉAgora…
O aumento de incêndios florestais e do desmatamento no 🇧🇷, tem sido alvo de inúmeros alertas, ganhando espaço a medida que "são aprovadas medidas do Executivo que fragilizem ainda mais a preservação do meio ambiente" - Mauricio Voivodic, diretor da filial brasileira do WWF
Em outros momentos, fiz alguns fios/conteúdos falando sobre os impactos do desmatamento, queimadas, garimpo e tráfico de animais e as relações que isso tem com o surgimento de novas pandemias
Read 26 tweets
1. One of our toughest & longest battles to save #wildlife started on #WorldEnvironmentDay of 2016, when our team mates Suvrajyoti Chatterjee & Meghna Banerjee came to know about the horrific "ritualistic hunting festivals" of South Bengal.
2. We witnessed thousands of slaughtered wild #animals strewn across the railway platforms of Howrah & East Medinipur districts.
We faced both physical as well as verbal abuse from the hunters before we could even grasp the true extent of devastation inflicted by them.
3. Further inquiries revealed it was an annual affair celebrated on the occasion of Faloharini Kali Puja where thousands of armed mobs descend on the #forests & rivers of these two districts & decimate every #wildanimal they can find.
Read 12 tweets
💡Hidrelétricas da região amazônica geram 26% da energia usada em todo o Brasil.

🕯Mas 4 milhões de pessoas na Amazônia Legal não têm acesso a essa luz.

#DiaDoMeioAmbiente50Anos #AmazoniaÉAgora

👇🧶 Foto: uma senhora de máscar...
1 milhão de pessoas na Amazônia Legal só recebem fornecimento em algumas horas do dia com geradores.

Outros 3 milhões são abastecidas por usinas termelétricas a óleo diesel.
Há quem queira derrubar a floresta dizendo defender o povo que vive na Amazônia.

Mas será que o desenvolvimento está chegando para essa gente? Foto. Uma moça está numa pl...
Read 13 tweets
SHOCKING: The UK based company Brencowe Resources Plc has been granted a 21year license of exploration of graphite in northern Uganda in kitgum District. Deal Value is circa €800,000

It is set to kick off in Jan-2023 despite all the climate pledges (Thread) #WorldEnvironmentDay
@BlencoweRes is quickly planning to start after foreseaing that the demans for graphite is expected to expand by 2025 on words

To those who don’t know the importance of graphite.

Graphites is essential in silicon production that is used in solar panel
it also helps in Automotive industry in making electric vehicles, battery and fuel cells.

This deal is lead by Mike Ralston as the CEO and Lain Wearning,

In times like these when we are trying all our best to keep temperature to 1.5 degrees. (Thread)
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Since last #WorldEnvironmentDay, we've made progress in tackling the climate crisis in #Brighton & #Hove.

Here's just a small taste of what @BrightonHoveCC has been up to...
🫧 We've installed water refill stations across high footfall areas in the city, so you can get access to water without the plastic
🏫 We're working with schools to help them adapt too, with 10 pilot schools working on our new 'our city, our world' programme
Read 17 tweets
On this World Environment Day let us learn some Ruchas (ऋचा) mentioned in the Rigveda and Yajurveda.

@UNEP @MahaEnvCC @moefcc
#WorldEnvironmentDay #पर्यावरणदिन
मा का॑क॒म्बीर॒मुद्वृ॑हो॒ वन॒स्पति॒मश॑स्ती॒र्वि हि नीन॑शः |
मोत सूरो॒ अह॑ ए॒वा च॒न ग्री॒वा आ॒दध॑ते॒ वेः ॥

(ऋ. ६.४८.१७)​

Do not cut down trees that are home to birds.

मा आपः ओषधीः हिंसीः |

​Protect all water sources, streams, plants, and trees from being harmed.

Read 4 tweets
We utilize the equivalent of 1.6 Earths to maintain our contemporary lifestyle, and ecosystems cannot keep up with our requests.…

#WorldEnvironmentDay #EnvironmentDay
The gap between what we need to expend to adapt and what we are expending is broadening. Estimated expenses of adaptation continue to climb and could reach US$280-500 billion per year by 2050 for developing nations alone.
Each year, we extract a projected 55 billion tons of fossil energy, minerals, metals, and biomass from the Earth.
Read 19 tweets
JOIN US as we mark 31 days of continuous People’s Protest, at Kohuwela junction on Thurs March 31st!💪🏾

It’s heartening to see so many people’s protests not affiliated to political parties over the weekend! It’s time the people realised their power!

#takebackourpower✊🏾 #lka ImageImageImage
Some captures from the Kandy People’s Protest yesterday (Wed)!

#takebackourpower✊🏾 #lka ImageImageImageImage
Kollupitiya Peoples Protest continues - some captures from yesterday💪🏾

#takebackourpower✊🏾 #lka ImageImageImageImage
Read 944 tweets
Neste #WorldEnvironmentDay #DiaMundialDoMeioAmbiente gostaríamos de lembrar isso, que é fundamental. Para citar apenas um: basta ouvir o que Ailton Krenak diz, escreve, questiona. Leia essa entrevista que fizemos com ele em 2019 e comprove:…
"Quando a gente quis criar uma reserva, foi preciso justificar para a Unesco por que era importante que o planeta não fosse devorado pela mineração. Para essa instituição, é como se bastasse manter apenas alguns lugares como amostra grátis da Terra".
"Se sobrevivermos, vamos brigar pelos pedaços de planeta que a gente não comeu. Essas agências foram configuradas e mantidas como estruturas dessa humanidade. E nós legitimamos sua perpetuação, aceitamos suas decisões, que muitas vezes são ruins e nos causam perdas"
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Chosen Hashtag: #ناموسرسالت
Total tweets: 43589
Original: 5110, Retweets: 38479
Originator: TLP Trend(@realtlptrend)
Potential Impressions: 17317005
Date & Time Started: 2021-06-05 | 14:25:35
Key actors:

Name: YasirSaifi
Twitter: YasirRMRF

Name: 𝕾𝖍𝖆𝖋𝖆𝖖 𝕾𝖆𝖖𝖎𝖇 ⚔️
Twitter: SS_SHR1

Name: شیرعلی شاہ🇵🇰
Twitter: Sher_IYI
Read 4 tweets
உலகச் சுற்றுச்சூழல் தினம் 2021 - இணையவழிக் கருத்தரங்கம்

சனிக்கிழமை, 05 ஜூன், 2021 | மாலை 6 முதல் 8 வரை

தலைப்பு 1: சுற்றுச்சூழல் அமைப்பு மறுசீரமைப்பு

சிறப்புரை: செந்தமிழன் சீமான், சூழலியலாளர் மற்றும் தலைமை ஒருங்கிணைப்பாளர்,

#நாம்_தமிழர்_கட்சி - 1/3
தலைப்பு 2: நுகர்வியத்தால் விளையும் சூழலியல் சீர்கேடுகள்

சிறப்புரை: ஐயா பாமையன் - சூழலியலாளர் மற்றும் இயற்கை வேளாண்மையாளர்.

சூம் கூட்ட அடையாள எண்: 897 0627 3768
கடவுச்சொல்: 057615 - 2/3
நேரலையில் : -


#WorldEnvironmentDay - 3/3
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🇧🇷📡This week, Brazil broke two more –rather alarming– records:

Historic increases in deforestation, and historic increases in land conflicts. Come with us to untangle the unfortunate record breaking track keeping environmental protectors awake at night🧵

The Pastoral Land Commission @cptnacional published its 2020 report. Violence in rural areas reached an all time high: 1576 occurrences of conflicts over land, since 1985, when the reporting began. Also a 25% increase to 2019 and 57.6% to 2018.
On Friday, we've learned that deforestation in the Amazon surpassed 1K km2 in a month for the first time since
@inpe_mct Deter-B started monitoring, in 2016. Also an increase of 41% to the same period in the previous year.… #ClimateEmergency
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Climate change is an existential crisis for mankind and it’s sad that it gets the most attention on #WorldEnvironmentDay. We believe it’s our collective responsibility to use our resources for the good. (1/12)
We thought we'd share a few things that we at @zerodhaonline and @Rainmatterorg are doing to tackle important issues like ecological restoration, afforestation and helping rural livelihoods. (2/12)
The #1000TreeProject by was one of our first initiatives. The farmers’ collectives are embracing the principles of permaculture and agroecology to regenerate denuded farmlands in Yelachhati village. (3/12)
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Today is #WorldEnvironmentDay !

Safeguarding & restoring ecosystems globally will help boost greener & healthier recovery efforts from the #COVID19 pandemic.

WHO’s 6⃣ prescriptions for a healthier & greener #COVID19 recovery👉

Nature is the foundation of physical & mental health.

Protecting & restoring nature is 🗝️ to a green recovery.

👉 #GenerationRestoration
Invest in essential services, from water & sanitation to clean energy in healthcare facilities.

Around the 🌍🌎🌏, billions of people lack access to the most basic services that are required to protect their health.

👉 #GenerationRestoration
Read 7 tweets
#WorldEnvironmentDay 2021 is being observed at the most difficult of times with India battling on two fronts - 2nd wave of #COVID19 has caused devastation, and evidence shows that the country has not augured well on environmental norms.

A look at 10 major environmental concerns:
2020 was the 8th warmest year on record, and 2016 was the warmest ever, followed by 2009. 12 of the 15 warmest years were recorded during the past 15 years (2006-2020), and 2011-20 was the warmest decade on record.

This is a warning for India. Here's why…
Environmental degradation is a cause of concern for agriculture, with rising use of insecticides, pesticides, which is contaminating soil, ground water.

GoI has launched a mission for organic farming but only 2% of India’s 140M hectares of farm land is used for organic farming.
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