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Dec 3rd 2022
I literally proved it doesn’t matter what either side has done in the world, one can still be for all of humanity without all the nonsense that comes with having to “choose” A side …


I’m supposed to say “f*** you” you chose that side, “f*** You” you chose the other

F*** NO !
There are no sides or drawn lines, I lead by this example for the last 7 years & chose forgiveness ..
WHAT DID 60% of the masses choose?
Feeding into everything & anything that sucked their soul from them, divided them, made them choose this group/that group
Because of their “beliefs” & whatever else that’s been fed into?

What are you going to do when EVERYTHING I have said while I was silenced is true ?
What are you going to do when you find out food, anything you drink & the very air everyone breathes was manipulated to
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