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Apr 19th 2023
_____ PULLING TAFFY ______


I'm beginning to see why, "#KASPERSKY"
Read 24 tweets
Mar 31st 2022
#RussiaUkraine #Mariupol
Rus MOD:
1 x Mi-8 was shot down & crashed near the village of Rybatskoye.

2nd Mi-8 was damaged by a missile hit, flew towards the sea, but crashed 20 kilometers from the shore.
Interestingly, trophee Stinger Manpads were used
There were 15 KIA at the Mi-8 crash site and 2 x WIA.
Reports that the deputy commander of the #Mariupol defence with call sign "Kalina" was onboard are not confirmed atm
Video of interrogation of one of the wounded survivors
#RussiaUkraine #Volunteers
Volunteers from all over Russia who signed up to go to Ukraine undergoing training at a training centre in #Chechnya
Read 127 tweets
Mar 18th 2022
La #Sicurezza nella P.A. al tempo di #Kaspersky.
@AdmGov (nota agenzia fiscale italiana): riassunto in tre screenshot (vds. tweet successivi) Image
Sistema Operativo: #Windows7; direi, obsoleto ma, probabilmente, è il meno Image
Browser: #InternetExplorer 11 (ultimo aggiornamento KB4534251 risalente al 10-03-2020)
Gran parte degli #applicativi in uso girano solo sotto IE

Antivirus: dopo aver disinstallato #Sophos (un paio di mesi fa, probabilmente perché scaduto il contratto) #WindowsDefender
Read 6 tweets
Jun 13th 2018
1/ for folks hit by OFAC sanctions business has gotten very hard. Even fnon-US businesses have to think if they aren’t inadvertently falling foul with US; as that analysis costs money, it may be cheaper to drop the business altogether.

#sanctions #erpscan #embedi #kaspersky
2/ but you have to at least understand US logic: Russia is waging an aggressive cyber campaign against US. Apart from retaliating the same way, sanctions are an appropriate instrument.

#sanctions #erpscan #embedi #kaspersky
US has concluded that Russian executive power can compel anyone to do their bidding “or else” (lose company, be hurt). In that environment protests of individual businesses mean little as they cannot be in Russia and stand up to he state #sanctions #erpscan #embedi #kaspersky
Read 4 tweets

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