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Jul 17th 2021
ANAHEIM STATEMENT: planned relocation of America First rally to private venue in Anaheim

#abc7eyewitness #NBCLA #KTLA #KCBS #fox11 Image
Thank you all for your comments. We appreciate your help in sharing accurate information. This is NOT at the Anaheim Convention Center, a city-owned venue, and is planned at a private venue, the Anaheim Event Center. We continue to address this matter.
Please see major update in new city of Anaheim tweet
Read 4 tweets
Jul 20th 2018
Meanwhile @RepMaxineWaters had a commie party outside her LA office yesterday, her faithful followers chanted “America was never great” and burned an American flag, she must be so proud. #TakeBackCalifornia #VoteNavarro
These are #MaxineWaters supporters screaming “f*^k you white boy” and taking over the street in front of her office and she SUPPORTED IT @TheDemocrats are the party of hate. #WalkAway
Why do you support this @RepMaxineWaters not only do you support it you encourage it! A white man was chased down the street, This was outside your office and you did nothing. @latimes @CAGOP #VoteRED
Read 5 tweets

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