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Aug 16th 2022
Once upon a time I found a comment about Kouban. It was written by a perhaps #Chirkassian man, who wrote with a kind of hatred that #Ukrainians claim 'his' Motherland. 1. Ukrainians protect #Ukraine in the borders of 1991. 2. Do Chirkassians fight for Chirkassia?
The great once culture of Proto-Indo-Europeans used to be in the borders of modern #Ukraine and in ethnical borders of #Ukrainians (including land #RussiaIsATerroristState has captured 200 y.ago). It is speculative to claim people did not interbrid within these areas
If there had been trading between #Ukrainians and #Causcasians and #Crimean people (#Qyrymli) then there had been marriages between those people. It is certain Adygeans came to Ukraine at least 1000 ago and bdrought their culture, later been assimilated
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