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Most recents (2)

May 23rd 2019
2 Redbull trucks make their way into Republic TV studio premises.
Arnab walking so much, he might accidentally stray into the Times Now studio nearby.
Sources: Arnab has signed up the Ferrari Formula One Pitstop team to keep him going during the 10 second breaks which Republic will have today.
Read 65 tweets
May 9th 2018
About #KuchBhi #PrakashRaj.

It is alleged that his full real name is Prakash Edward Rai. Changed Rai to Raj, for Tamil movie market. 1/n @BJP4Karnataka
About #KuchBhi #PrakashRaj

It is alleged that he dumped his wife Lalitha Kumari. He left her when she was going through depression as she lost her son Siddhu in 2004 and was under severe depression. 2/n @BJP4Karnataka
About #KuchBhi #PrakashRaj

It is alleged that this so called husband left his wife with 2 daughters and married a young choreographer Pony Verma. He is now preaching sanctity and loyalty to Karnataka Voters. 3/n @BJP4Karnataka
Read 6 tweets

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