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Mar 31st 2019
Gotta a damn good question...
Feel free to throw in your 2 cents, 'cause if you're feeling like I am after #TheMuellerReport landed, you're more than a little angry & concerned about #BillBarrsComedyHour being followed by the #LowBudgetTrumpRemakeOf1984.😑…
Watching every RW news outlet, pundit & GOP mouthpiece that ever claimed to love this country embarrass the HELL out of themselves on a national scale is the saddest circus act ever performed before a live audience.
Stuff future generations will MARVEL at.…
Anyone interested in "Abnormal Psychology", "21st Century Human Artificial Social Constructs & How They Were Used For Profit & Political Gain" & their companion parody, "The Art Of The Deal" would find it funny to know that's Elementary grade elective studies in the 24th Century.
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