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May 1st 2023
#LymeDisease awareness.

Oh, the things I’ve become aware of, in the last 10 years. TEN years? How time flies when you’re learning something new every single day.

I learned: Image
• The government recognizes only one secondary immune deficiency disease, and it’s not Lyme.

• Yes, “chronic Lyme” can be a condition of immune deficiency.

• There is only one nonprofit fighting to fix the root of the problem, and I had to start it myself.

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Sep 8th 2022
"The Lyme disease bacteria—Borrelia burgdorferi—is definitely one of the smartest bacteria on the planet.⁠ The spirochete is a spiral shaped organism. And because of its spiral shape, and the fact that it has many tales, called flagella... A pink squiggly bacteria (s...
...this organism knows how to move through the tissues. It can disseminate throughout the body and into your central nervous system.⁠
So we know what syphilis can do to the body—which is a spirochetal infection. And the problem is, Lyme is the great imitator, just like syphilis was.⁠
The most common misdiagnoses that I see in my practice are people who have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome...⁠
Read 9 tweets

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