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Oct 2nd 2022
Today is the Maha Ashtami(2nd oct 6:47 pm onwards to 3rd Oct 4.37pm) of Durga Puja and this is special day for devotees across India; especially in Mithila and Bengal but not limited to that area. (1)
An auspicious day to seek blessings frm the Mother Goddess beleived to leave her maternal place for in-law's. In #Mithila & other part of #Bihar, the tradition of offering 'Khoincha'(खोंइछा भरना) is very important where married women pay offerings to the Goddess(2)
'Khoinchha'(खोंइछा) in #Maithili means "Aanchal" with the offerings to a beloved person; be it daughter leaveing her father's house afte marrige or the Mother Goddess who is beleived to staying in her Mayaka till Saptami(7th day of the Puja). (3)
Read 10 tweets
Jan 6th 2022
We have crossed 60,000 paying subscribers on @STAGEdotin - grew 6x in 6 months and adding 1000+ new subscribers daily - all from Haryana alone.

Here is our story 🧵
Before we go into details, here is some product context - > @STAGEdotin is a Netflix for Bharat in dialects (बोलियां).

We serve the kind of content which you can enjoy with your family.

@AbhishekPonia was kind enough to write in detail about us here 👇👇👇
We launched @STAGEdotin android app in Haryanvi dialect in November 2019 with mostly artist led content such as comedy, poetry, folk etc.

People looked at us as the saviours of the local culture and the dialect. Product started to go viral organically.
Read 16 tweets

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