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Mar 10th 2020
Although there were sanctions and restrictions against working with Germany during World War II, especially when America entered the war in 1941, there were some American companies that profited off both sides of World War II.
Backdoor #Deals #Bribes…
🐙GE assisted the German SIGINT & was of intel value to Dulles during the war.

At the start of WWII GE was a German co that produced electrical equip’t known as Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft AG (AEG). They engaged in corp espionage for Germany.…
“Overall, the Germans were successful in establishing a secret radio communications network from their control station in Argentina, as well as a courier system involving the use of Spanish merchant vessels for the shipment of paper-form intelligence.”…
Read 15 tweets
Jul 7th 2019
💰Arron Banks - Panama Papers

Offshore secrets of Brexit backer Arron Banks revealed in Panama Papers
The British Virgin Islands and Gibraltar emerge as key locations in the affairs of Arron Banks, who spent £7.5m funding Nigel Farage’s Leave.EU campaign group ahead of the Brexit referendum on 23 June.…
The Panama Papers show that Banks is a shareholder of PRI Holdings Limited, which Panamanian-based Mossack Fonseca set up as an offshore company in 2013.
PRI Holdings is based in the British Virgin Islands (BVI), a UK offshore territory & int’l tax haven.…
Read 49 tweets

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