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Mar 9th 2020
#mobilizeminds #coronavirus
👉Watch this @APTA_Transit webinar for public transportation industry leaders on: Transit’s Response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
📽️ // more material here:… #wearetransport

👉👉👉 Please share your measures as PT operator to stop the spread of corona

The @APTA_Transit A Guide for Public Transportation Pandemic Planning and Response includes additional information on potential measures:… #coronavirus #wearetransport
cont'd: Beijing plans to experiment with a “subway by appointment” system to prevent crowding amid the coronavirus outbreak #coronavirus #wearetransport…
Read 222 tweets
Apr 26th 2019
This thread will list down the 75 reasons why everyone should vote for @narendramodi and @BJP4India

Thanks to @muglikar_ and @IndiaPeCharcha for coming up with these brilliant 1 minute videos.

My effort here is to list all the 75 reasons in a single thread
#Reason1 - @BJP4India MPs work for you.

👉 #Attendance #DiscussBills
👉#PassLaw #75ReasonsToVoteForModi #PhirEkBaarModiSarkaar

#1MinuteTalk by @muglikar_ and @IndiaPeCharcha -

#Reason2 - Electricity for All

👉 100% Rural Electrification #DeendayalGramJyotiYojana
👉 Electrification of 100% households #Saubhagya

@PiyushGoyal @grameenvidyut

#75ReasonsToVoteForModi #PhirEkBaarModiSarkaar

#1MinuteTalk @muglikar_
Read 76 tweets

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