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Sep 19th 2022
Good morning #NFTartists & #NFTphotographers -

The 🐳WHALE 🐳 team is excited to introduce the New WHALE Artist Collective program.

This will be a 🧡long one, please take time to read!

🎨🐳 WHALE Artist Collective 🐳🎨

Purpose - 1/4

The WHALE Art Collective (WAC) is WHALE's in-house art residency program that empowers creatives by providing supportive engagement, information, education and market exposure.

Purpose - 2/4

Leveraging the knowledge, resources and member base of WHALE, creatives are able to expedite their professional and commercial growth through active participation in the Collective.

Read 15 tweets
Apr 6th 2022
It’s time we release more info about the new #ArtxWHALE beginning this month.

What Is $WHALE? -

$WHALE is essentially a worldwide community founded by renowned NFT collector @WhaleShark_Pro that consists of artists, photographers, other NFT collectors, and enthusiasts.

In addition to our diverse and talented community, we hold an unrivaled collection of #NFT digital art, photography, collectibles, and assets in our NFT Vault.

Our main mission is to empower anyone to become a whale through $WHALE.

How We Work With #NFTartists & #NFTphotographers -

$WHALE is a platform for many artists, photographers, and creatives to find their footing in the NFT space by hosting fireside chats, live art sessions, drop interviews, project showcases and much more.

Read 17 tweets
Mar 15th 2022
No excuses, dropped the ball on this one #nftphotography :

We will resume the @makersplaceco curatorial immediately.

We onboarded 5 #NFTphotographers to skip the initial curation stage in December 2021 which means we have 25 spaces now.

The process and "Post your work" below.
1, Follow the @whale_community and @DCryptolorian

2, Post your work in the monthly "call" for curation.

3, I will announce for confirmation.

4, @DCryptolorian and the @whale_community art team will be responsible for providing further information following your selection.
For those who had been previously selected, please remind me.

For those who had not, post your work to this thread to get curated β™₯️
Read 7 tweets
Dec 22nd 2021
Dear #NFTPhotographers, dear #NFTPhotography community,

I'm thrilled to announce the launch of the website πŸŽ‰ (follow @NFTPhotograph now)

A thread 🧡 Image

It all started with a tweet exactly 2 weeks ago.

That tweet made me realize how united the #NFTPhotography community is. Truly.


Then, there was the other tweet, or should I say, the NFT PHOTOGRAPHY THREAD, that I started more than a month ago.

Read 31 tweets
Jul 21st 2021
Documentary photography in the NFT space. The musings of a lifelong photographer or what the heck am I doing here? An illustrated thread in 12 parts. Thanks for taking the time to read.1/12 #nftphotography #nftphotographers #nftart
As a documentary photographer my position towards the NFT space is one of an uneasy truce. Coming from a tradition deeply rooted in the in-depth exploration of people, cultures and events, the digital world has always seemed somewhat superficial. 2/12
Separation is baked into the digital realm. That is one of the greatest paradoxes of an ever growing digital network. I call it connected isolation. We choose what to reveal, what to hide, which identity to play. What has always attracted me to docu is its directness. 3/12
Read 12 tweets

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