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Mar 26th 2020
The empty streets of the #Edinburgh Old Town. Looks eerie being so quiet, making easy to keep a safe space whilst out for walk. The city awaits your return. #SocialDistancinguk @edcentrallib @OrkneyLibrary @ShetlandLibrary @natlibscot @EdinCulture || @PaulHenni @LynnHenni ImageImageImageImage
@edcentrallib @OrkneyLibrary @ShetlandLibrary @natlibscot @EdinCulture @PaulHenni @LynnHenni A few more from our daily exercise / occasional food shopping. Grateful we can get out for a bit, but limiting our time and keeping a safe distance. #StayHome #KeepASafeDistance #Edinburgh @edinburghcastle @edinburghpaper @darkedinburgh || @LynnHenni @PaulHenni ImageImageImageImage
@edcentrallib @OrkneyLibrary @ShetlandLibrary @natlibscot @EdinCulture @PaulHenni @LynnHenni @edinburghcastle @edinburghpaper @darkedinburgh A few more from our daily exercise / occasional food shopping. Grateful we can get out for a bit, but limiting our time and keeping a safe distance. #StayHome #KeepASafeDistance #Edinburgh @YourWullie @SirWilliamD @jamajestical @AG_Exposed || @LynnHenni @PaulHenni ImageImageImageImage
Read 57 tweets
Mar 24th 2020
@AlexMacLeod9 @weeseabee @LydiaReidYES2 Scotland currently has capacity to PCR test ~800 people a day.

85 new cases today in Scotland. Many people being diagnosed by symptoms/scans now. There's no capacity for mass testing. Or even NHS staff testing. Yet.

But sampling, & NHS testing, ARE being rolled out in Scotland.
@AlexMacLeod9 @weeseabee @LydiaReidYES2 Be clear: that is the case in almost every country in the world.

S Korea and China did a bit better. But with bigger numbers and higher stakes.

Some small, very rich countries with advanced public health systems are doing quite a lot better. As you would expect.
@AlexMacLeod9 @weeseabee @LydiaReidYES2 But nowhere is there enough PCR capacity to do mass screening. And it is the wrong test.

Even if someone is disease free one day, they might not be the next day.

PCR looks for live viral genetic signatures from body fluids.

Immunology tests are needed for mass screening.
Read 5 tweets

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