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Mar 26th 2020
The empty streets of the #Edinburgh Old Town. Looks eerie being so quiet, making easy to keep a safe space whilst out for walk. The city awaits your return. #SocialDistancinguk @edcentrallib @OrkneyLibrary @ShetlandLibrary @natlibscot @EdinCulture || @PaulHenni @LynnHenni ImageImageImageImage
@edcentrallib @OrkneyLibrary @ShetlandLibrary @natlibscot @EdinCulture @PaulHenni @LynnHenni A few more from our daily exercise / occasional food shopping. Grateful we can get out for a bit, but limiting our time and keeping a safe distance. #StayHome #KeepASafeDistance #Edinburgh @edinburghcastle @edinburghpaper @darkedinburgh || @LynnHenni @PaulHenni ImageImageImageImage
@edcentrallib @OrkneyLibrary @ShetlandLibrary @natlibscot @EdinCulture @PaulHenni @LynnHenni @edinburghcastle @edinburghpaper @darkedinburgh A few more from our daily exercise / occasional food shopping. Grateful we can get out for a bit, but limiting our time and keeping a safe distance. #StayHome #KeepASafeDistance #Edinburgh @YourWullie @SirWilliamD @jamajestical @AG_Exposed || @LynnHenni @PaulHenni ImageImageImageImage
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