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Jun 15th 2023
Well done to all involved in #CleanAirDay actions in & around Preston Street Primary this morning šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘Air pollution notices were handed out before school on behalf of the Parent Council Transport & Environment Committee before school by volunteer campaigersšŸ˜‰#Edinburgh #LEZ Image
These notices highlight the unique position of Preston Street Primary sitting diectly on the boundary of a ā€œLow Emission Zoneā€ which skirts two sides of a primary school building. Step out of the playground at either side of the building and you step directly outside the #LEZ ImageImage
As far as we are aware there are no current plans to extend the LEZ coverage area beyond the current plans. Hopefully this will change when there is #AirPollution data available once the current zone is in operation. #ActiveTravel #Edinburgh #LEZ
Read 11 tweets
Jun 3rd 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Washington State's capital gains tax proves we can have nice things; and more!

Archived at:ā€¦



1/ The Washington State flag; ...
Today (3/6) at 1:30PM, I'm in #Edinburgh for @CymeraF on a panel with Nina Allen and @iannmcdonald:ā€¦

Mon 5/6 at 7:15PM, I'm at the #BritishLibrary with my book *Red Team Blues* for an event hosted by @Marthalanefox:ā€¦

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Washington State's capital gains tax proves we can have nice things: We just need to tax the rich.

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Read 21 tweets
Jun 2nd 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: The long, bloody lineage of private equity's looting; and more!

Archived at:ā€¦


1/ An overgrown graveyard, ren...
Tomorrow (3/6) at 1:30PM, I'm in #Edinburgh for @CymeraF on a panel with Nina Allen and @iannmcdonald:ā€¦

Mon 5/6 at 7:15PM, I'm at the #BritishLibrary with my book *Red Team Blues* for an event hosted by @Marthalanefox:ā€¦

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CORRECTION: The 5/29 edition of Pluralistic quoted $20k Rebyota; this was the rumored pre-release price; the actual average wholesale price is $10.8k. Thanks to Benjamin Jolley for catching this error, and to Stephen Skolnick for getting to the bottom of it.

Read 36 tweets
May 31st 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: To save the news, ban surveillance ads; and more!

Archived at:ā€¦


1/ EFF's banner for the save n...
To save the news, ban surveillance ads: No publisher will ever beat ad-tech at spying, but no tech company will ever understand a publisher's content better than they do.

3/ Image: EFF https://www.eff....
Read 25 tweets
May 27th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Steven Brust's "Tsalmoth"; and more!

Archived at:ā€¦


1/ The Tor Books cover for Ste...
Steven Brust's "Tsalmoth": Swords, sorcery and swooning romance, in a series that is tantalyzingly close to completion.

3/ Image
Read 21 tweets
May 26th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: How (and why) Biden should overcome the Supreme Court to end the debt showdown; and more!

Archived at:ā€¦


1/ A kitchen sink. The Supreme...
How (and why) Biden should overcome the Supreme Court to end the debt showdown: Bonus: it'll also kill Trump's alarmingly good chances for a second term.

3/  Image: Joe Ravi (modified)...
Read 22 tweets
May 25th 2023
Today's threads (a thread)

Inside: To save the news, shatter ad-tech; and more!

Archived at:ā€¦


1/ EFF's banner for the save n...
To save the news, shatter ad-tech: Structural separation will help the news claim their fair share.

3/ Image: EFF https://www.eff....
Read 35 tweets
May 20th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Dumping links like Galileo dumped the orange; and more!

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1/ A pot of chunky chicken and...
Dumping links like Galileo dumped the orange: Creatively destroying your weekend like Joseph Dumpeter.

3/ Image
Read 23 tweets
May 19th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Venture predation; and more!

Archived at:ā€¦


1/ A giant pile of manure with...
Venture predation: A pile of shit this big MUST have a pony underneath it!

3/  Image: Eli Duke (modified)...
Read 23 tweets
May 18th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: How to save the new from Big Tech; and more!

Archived at:ā€¦


1/ Image
How to save the new from Big Tech: Four prescriptions from EFF.

3/  Image: EFF https://www.eff...
Read 23 tweets
May 17th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: The IRS will do your taxes for you (if that's what you prefer); and more!

Archived at:ā€¦


1/ A vintage drawing of Uncle ...
The IRS will do your taxes for you (if that's what you prefer): After years of expensively purchased delay, Turbotax and its fellow tax-profiteers are losing the fight to make you pay them to tell the government what it already knows.

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Read 25 tweets
May 15th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Ireland's privacy regulator is a gamekeeper-turned-poacher; and more!

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1/ A toddler playing with toy ...
Ireland's privacy regulator is a gamekeeper-turned-poacher: Dublin is a made town.

3/  Image: Cryteria (modified)...
Read 36 tweets
May 13th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Revenge of the Linkdumps; and more!

Archived at:ā€¦


1/ A kitchen junk-drawer, full...
Revenge of the Linkdumps: Something for the weekend, sir?

3/  Image: Robert Miller (modi...
Read 27 tweets
May 11th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: 'We buy ugly houses' is code for 'we steal vulnerable peoples' homes'; and more!

Archived at:ā€¦


1/ A Depression-era photo of a...
Tonight (May 11) at 7PM, I'm in #CALGARY for @WordfestTweets with my novel *Red Team Blues*; I'll be hosted by Peter Hemminger at the Memorial Park Library, 2nd Floor.ā€¦

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'We buy ugly houses' is code for 'we steal vulnerable peoples' homes': The pervasive, predatory sleaze of Homevestor, "the #1 homebuyer in the USA."

3/  Image: Homevestors https:/...
Read 24 tweets
May 10th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Two principles to protect internet users from decaying platforms; and more!

Archived at:ā€¦


1/ A giant robot hand holding ...
Today (May 10), I'm in #VANCOUVER for a keynote at the #OSSummit:ā€¦

And a book event tonight at #HeritageHall:ā€¦

Tomorrow (May 11), I'm in #CALGARY for @WordfestTweets:ā€¦


2/ Image
Two principles to protect internet users from decaying platforms: Don't just try to make platforms better - make them less important.

3/    Image: EFF https://www.e...
Read 24 tweets
May 9th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: KPMG audits the nursing homes it advises on how to beat audits; and more!

Archived at:ā€¦


1/ Two business-suited male fi...
KPMG audits the nursing homes it advises on how to beat audits: Too big to fail, too big to jail, and an existential risk to civilization.

3/  Image: (m...
Read 29 tweets
May 8th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: California to smash prison e-profiteers; and more!

Archived at:ā€¦


1/ A prison cell. Behind the b...
California to smash prison e-profiteers: The Public Utility Commission to the rescue!

3/ Image
Read 35 tweets
May 6th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Hollywood is the single best example of mature labor power in America; On the Media on the enshittification (pt 1); and more!

Archived at:ā€¦


1/ Image: LA Times https://com...
Today (5/6), I'll be in #Berkeley with my book *Red Team Blues* at the #BABF2023 for a 3:30PM event with @glynnwashington:ā€¦

Tomorrow (5/7), it's an 11AM event with @dellsystem for my book *Chokepoint Capitalism*:ā€¦

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Read 25 tweets
May 5th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Look at all the great stuff we lost because of inflation scare-talk; and more!

Archived at:ā€¦


1/ A vintage postcard illustra...
Look at all the great stuff we lost because of inflation scare-talk: We swapped pandemic aid, new spending and minimum wage hikes for wage suppression and mass layoffs.

3/    Image: Mosaic 36 (modifi...
Read 24 tweets
May 4th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Ostromizing democracy; and more!

Archived at:ā€¦


1/ A lab-coated scientist amid...
Tomorrow (May 5), I'll be at @BooksIncStores in #MountainView at 7PM with @mkapor for my new novel, *Red Team Blues*:ā€¦

This weekend (May 6/7), I'll be in #Berkeley at the #BABF2023:ā€¦

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Ostromizing democracy: To counter antidemocratic libertarians, we need an analytical assessment of group problem-solving.

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Read 24 tweets
May 3rd 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: The Swivel-Eyed Loons Have A Point; and more!

Archived at:ā€¦


1/ A row of silhouetted protes...
This Friday (May 5), I'll be at @BooksIncStores in #MountainView with @mkapor for my new novel, *Red Team Blues*:ā€¦

And on May 6/7, I'll be in #Berkeley at the #BABF2023:ā€¦

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The Swivel-Eyed Loons Have A Point: My *Locus* column about the justifiable suspicions of the medical industry, lockdowns, license-plate cameras, and beyond.ā€¦

3/ Image
Read 24 tweets
May 1st 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: When you hear "fintech," think "unlicensed bank"; and more!

Archived at:ā€¦


1/ A stately, columnated bank ...
Tomorrow (May 2) at 7PM, I'll be at the Cedar Hills Crossing (#PDX) @Powells with @waxy:ā€¦

2/ Image
When you hear "fintech," think "unlicensed bank": "...with a computer."

3/  Image: Andre Carrotflower ...
Read 34 tweets
Apr 29th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: The seductive, science fictional power of spreadsheets; and more!

Archived at:ā€¦


1/ A Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet w...
Tomorrow (Apr 30) at 2PM, I'll be at the #SanFrancisco Public Library with my new book, *Red Team Blues*, hosted byā€¦

2/ Image
The seductive, science fictional power of spreadsheets: Maybe the map IS the territory?

3/ Image
Read 29 tweets
Apr 29th 2023
This week, @scalzi let me write a guest-editorial for his blog about the themes in my new crime thriller, *Red Team Blues*; specifically, about the ways that spreadsheets embody the power and the pitfalls of #ScienceFiction at its best *and* worst:ā€¦

1/ A Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet w...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:ā€¦

Yes, *spreadsheets*. Marty Hench (the protagonist of *Red Team Blues*) is a 67-year-old forensic accountant who specializes in unwinding Silicon Valley financial frauds.

Read 63 tweets

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