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Aug 17th 2020
1/ #Ethereum 2.0 promises to introduce a #PoS algorithm which is solving the infamous NoS attack. NoS (nothing at stake) attack, while never executed in practice, is heavily used by bitcoiners to undermine the theoretical foundations of PoS.
2/ The eagerly expected Ethereum PoS solution now running on testnet for several months forked on Friday when the majority of the nodes got stuck because of a bug.
3/ It turned out that this critical bug occurred in a component using the Roughtime protocol. The network of servers supporting Roughtime is operated by the likes of Google and Cloudflare thus unveiling a huge centralization problem in the ETH 2.0 PoS design and implementation.
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Apr 15th 2020
Next still taking orders as of this moment... curious to see how long they stay open today (I hold). #NXT
Only "childrenswear and selected homeware items" available - seems reasonable to prioritise these categories.
As of 10.18am, the shop is shut.
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Nov 5th 2018
There have been no recent changes to my portfolio holdings, but here's a reminder for anyone who is interested. From largest to smallest. Top five positions = 53% of total. Top 10 = 80%.

12 Nov 2018: added #RMV
22 Nov 2018: added #BPM
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