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Jul 13th 2019
I attended #NetrootsNation this week, and though I am a liberal not a progressive there were plenty of great sessions. Thur was a session regarding the census with @EricHolder @vanitaguptaCR @AlexPadilla4CA as they were speaking word came that Barr would be joining Trump today😮
@EricHolder is kicking ass on the census, gerrymandering and local elections
Today I marched for the first time in Philadelphia for the #LightsforLiberty rally, hot as hell but wow, they shut down the streets and we filled them.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 12th 2019
1/ Will you join me for a thread of reflection as I head to Philadelphia on Amtrak to speak about a progressive vision for the future at #NetrootsNation? #NN19

The governing agenda of our nation ought to be:


Here’s why #EndPoverty is also an organizing vision...
2/ #EndPoverty means:

Poverty as it's experienced by the nearly 8 out of 10 Americans who live paycheck to paycheck, who are one "shit happens" life experience away from ruin
3/ Poverty happens because wages are too low & life's basic needs like health care are too expensive. Therefore, #EndPoverty, means a living wage of $20 per hour as a federal minimum wage, a big expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit and... #MedicareForAll #EndPoverty
Read 8 tweets
Aug 4th 2018
As @realDonaldTrump arrives in Ohio things are starting at the final keynote session at #NetrootsNation. Lineup:

- @HelenGymAtLarge
- @WoodfinForBham
- @BilldeBlasio
- @TimRyan
- @dg4az
- @kdeleon
- @Ocasio2018
- @JulianCastro
Gym started with announcement that Netroots Nation 2019 will be in Philadelphia.

By then, we’ll have multiple announced presidential candidates testing grassroots support
Woodfin makes one of the very few references - though not by name - to @BarackObama on the Netroots main stage
Read 17 tweets
Aug 3rd 2018
Away from #NetrootsNation @elizabethforma sits for a conversation with Congressional Black Caucus Chair @RepRichmond
Averse to the minute-by-minute returns watching, Warren said she and her husband were watching “Ballers” on election night ‘16 until later when most numbers in
Richmond asks Warren about criminal justice reform: "Let’s just start with the hard truth about our criminal justice system: it’s racist."
Read 6 tweets
Aug 3rd 2018
. @KamalaHarris at #NetrootsNation: "Obstruction of justice it is a crime. And anyone involved needs to be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law."
@KamalaHarris Harris also updates her "Let's speak truth" and brings in her service on Senate Intel Cmte.

"The Russians know that racism and issues of hate have always been America’s Achilles’ heel. And we need to deal with that weakness."
@KamalaHarris Harris: "The folks who helped build the Democratic Party … have not always been given equal voice in the Democratic Party. And we need to deal with that."
Read 4 tweets
Aug 3rd 2018
.@GovInslee, speaking at Netroots, says GOP governor candidates this year have all "shackled themselves to the SS Titanic," being Trump.

"There is no Republican Party – it’s the Trump party."
@GovInslee Inslee on 2018: "Whatever energy we have, this is the year to put it all on the line. This the year all the chips are on the table." #NetrootsNation
After Inslee says he thinks competitive Dem primaries are good in general, @aterkel asks when they aren't good.

Inslee: "When somebody’s running against me."
Read 7 tweets

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