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Oct 20th 2022
#GeneralElectionNow #notoboris

50 BOJO scandals, feuds and policies

a nice little thread to reply to RW accounts

a thread, that you might actually read & retweet!!
Read 51 tweets
Jul 20th 2019
This morning at 5.30 in Cyprus all the municipalities sounded an air raid siren to mark 45 years since Turkey launched their invasion of the island. I didn’t know until after what it was. But my automatic reaction was one of fight or flight and it was a scary moment.
My heart was pounding and I jumped out of bed in complete confusion. We quickly established what it was but it was an anxious few moments.
It got me thinking, this is a tiny tiny taste of how people across Europe must have felt in conflicts across our beautiful continent and it makes me reflect how and why the European project came about.
Read 7 tweets

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