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Jul 14th 2020
1/ Launch check list.

Just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone.

Thank you for getting word out & for your preorders for #FounderPuzzles

We crossed our first big milestone yesterday. 105 orders

A thread on the path for that journey, if you plan to follow it one day.
2/ Book launch check list.

Nov 2019 is when we first thought of shipping the book. It had been a work in progress for 4 years.

Prior book launches had taught me the importance of pre-orders.

Step one. Plan to open pre-orders a month before the book will be ready for launch
3/ Enough content to feed you for a month.

Opening up pre-orders isn't enough.

You have to create interest in the book and keep it out there for everyone to see.

Can't be same content shared again and again. Has to be fresh and relevant.

You also have to mix mediums.
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