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Jul 18th 2021
BMA supports destruction of #NHS but present as victims or frustrated saviours.
Sophistry masterclass by @TheBMA on 17th July deconstructed
⚠️Hop on bandwagon to avoid conspicuous silence & echo bogus talking points (ditto @UKLabour & @keepnhspublic}…
⚠️BMA endorsed Feb 2021 white paper, remained silent until now.
⚠️Have track record of imposing ignorance & disengaging members.
⚠️Assisted creating US style 'managed care' by railroading GPs into new contract 2019 WITHOUT discussion/VOTE.
#NHSBill progression of agreed change
⚠️Clinical 'leadership' has had no impact on halting or moderating NHS privatisation. Predominantly serving as window dressing for the destruction
⚠️It has enriched & assisted career progression of the complicit.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 1st 2021
Government Health Bill set to create #IntegratedCareSystems based on US-style 'managed care' handing control of #NHS budgets to private health insurance giant #UnitedHealth's UK subsidiary #Optum
Culmination of decades of covert re-purposing, reducing #NHS to a logo & budget
Secretive £multi-billion contracts awarded to profit hungry PRIVATE corporations just like we saw with #Serco #Deloitte 'NHS' Test & trace.
Profit to be made through DENIAL OF CARE as revealed in 'Sicko' film
HMO=ACO=ICS='managed care'
Despite knowing about government plans for months/years, @keepnhspublic fails to mention imminent DEADLY threat in its leaflets for July 2021 demo.
Read 4 tweets

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