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Aug 25th 2019
Lately I've been messing with reverse engineering #panzerdragoonsaga file formats to get at the textures & models for a challenge. Texture (CGB) format wasn't too hard, after reading up some tech docs on saturn development it was fairly basic, except they had no meta data at all!
So while most image file formats contain data on width/height/bpp these were just pure texture data, not even a number of textures in the files nor any barriers. Just 4 bit per pixel indexed colour textures usually with 16 bit per colour (5bit per channel) palettes at the end.
CGB texture files for models usually are accompanied by an MCB file which I assumed was the mesh data... but I couldn't figure that out yet, no easy way of telling what relates to the textures in it without first knowing some textures to find. Catch 22!
Read 54 tweets
Apr 19th 2018
While #Xbox is synonymous with #Halo and #GearsOfWar, at the beginning there were the amazing #SEGA exclusives: #JSRF, #Otogi, Orta, etc.
While #Microsoft has placed priority on Halo, Gears and #Forza, etc, they've forgotten about those amazing #SEGA titles from the 1st gen.
And now people wonder why there aren't enough exclusives on #Xbox. IMO they dropped the ball with #SEGA.
Read 5 tweets

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