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Aug 22nd 2020
Thoughtful blog by @so_radhikal on the real harm done when we say we oppose #periodleave coz "women report from war zones during periods", & how our workplaces are already gendered in patriarchal ways - where womxn r discouraged from voicing discomforts…
The pain we're discouraged from voicing isn't just period pain. It is the pain of being sexually harassed, belittled, condescended or mansplained to, underpaid, overworked... @so_radhikal
The liberal resistance to even the idea of tiny corrective steps like #periodleave or #reservations shows us what an uphill job it is even to SEE the gendered casteist character of workplaces, let alone transform them. @so_radhikal
Read 4 tweets
Aug 12th 2020
#PeriodLeave from an emotional and practical perspective. A #thread:
I have battled chronic PCOS, infertility warnings, endometriosis, tuberculosis of the reproductive system. These things made period pain unbearable. I have lived with these medical conditions through school & university & continue to navigate in the 7th year of my career.
That’s basically the most important years of one's life, the final formative years when you choose a profession and a life that will be the new constant for at least a decade.

I live with pelvic pain EVERYDAY.
Read 25 tweets
Aug 12th 2020
#PeriodLeave I wondered if I should put this out, but, had to. I was back at work exactly 2.5 months after having my son. My then employer @the_hindu did everything to make life easy. Those were the days of 3 mths maternity leave, and I went on leave a fortnight before delivery.
I was allowed flexi hours. However, I also suffered from severe pain, cramping and clotting. I would place a bunch of papers on my chair. We were a mostly-women team, and they understood. The Chief of Bureau, a male, understood when I stood outside his room, panic on my face.
I went through two surgeries for an anal fistula, which is deeply painful, and wonder of wonders was back at work in less than 10 days, with a pillow in hand. I would go for my dressing during lunch break and come back and cheerfully work. I withstood that pain!
Read 7 tweets
Aug 12th 2020
Thread on #PeriodLeave ~

Here's what I learnt from my research while drafting the Private Member's Bill on "Right to Menstrual Hygiene and Paid Leave Bill, 2019."
[PMB to be introduced in the Lok Sabha by @Jothims, MP]

Besides empathy, sharing this: 🧵 (1/n)
P.S.: I'm aware of "no uterus, no opinion", so I'll be focusing on the nuances of the topic (from my limited knowledge & gathering of various inputs) rather than participating in the debate. #MenstrualLeave
It is important to note that the 1st such legislation on menstruation benefits in India was proposed by former LS MP @ninong_erring (INC) in 2018, which provided for 4 days of paid leave.
Read 19 tweets

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