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May 2nd 2021
Here's a quick #Senedd2021 thread, if anyone gives dau gachiad:
As an active anarchist, I organised Vote Nobody campaigns & spoilt my ballot at election time. By the time Social Campaign Group had control of the Labour party leadership, I was so politically inactive it seemed...
... almost childish not back their tilt at government in 2017. I was never so naive as to think it could change any of the fundamental problems of this society. But if you don't recognise what a unique opportunity the possibility could have been; for a more peaceful world...
... improved redistribution of wealth, increase in working class power etc, then I don't know what to say.
Things have changed a lot since then, that moment has passed.
I say all that to say this; I was a non-voter, Corbyn made me break a habit of a lifetime, now it's ...
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