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Aug 24th 2021
So General McChrystal was praised for reaching a partnership w the Afghan government that would ensure children were given the Polio vaccine.

The unfortunate reality?

A mutated strand of Polio has been derived specifically from the Polio vaccine. & they knew.
Genocide. Irregular warfare.…
Read 4 tweets
Dec 21st 2020
#polio, let's go right to the beginning to understand that vaxx did nothing to eradicate it. So what is polio? In simple terms it is the inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord. It can also occur in the brainstem. Image
We have been conditioned to believe that polio equals braced limbs, iron lungs etc. Actually only those infected with #bulbarpoliomyelitis, which affects the brainstem, were placed in #ironlungmachines Image
We've also been conditioned to believe that polio was wide-spread, which actually is not the case at all. Naturally existing poliovirus was a common bowel inhabitant for
millennia, always there, continuously circulating through humans,
but never causing paralysis. Image
Read 16 tweets

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