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A 44-yo♂️, HIV +, CD4 cell count of 86/mL, viral load of 35,900 copies/mL: a 1-month history of fevers and pruritic blackish-brown lamellated plaques on the limbs and scalp.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMicm2213894
#IDtwitter #dermatology Ming J. Liu, M.D., and Wei ...
A RPR titer of 1:32.
A Treponema pallidum particle agglutination: ➕.
A skin-biopsy of the left forearm 🔬: diffuse dermal lymphocytes and histiocytes admixed with a plasma-cell infiltrate.


#microbiology #dermpath #RareInfection
Malignant #syphilis:
- uncommon form of secondary syphilis
- primarily affects immunocompromised persons.
-skin manifestations are varied, ranging from ulceronodular lesions to oyster shell–like crusts

#primarycare #MedTwitter #Awareness
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Human #intestinal #spirochetosis:
✔️#sexual #transmitted infections
✔️of the large intestine by anaerobic spirochetes of the genus Brachyspira spp.

🖊️A De Gea, @alfredomaldo ,@clarapath, @MarianaDazAlmi1, @alirri, Raquel Escudero, et al.
👇… Colonoscopic biopsy. In rou...
@alfredomaldo @clarapath @MarianaDazAlmi1 @alirri Gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, proctitis, or chronic diarrhea are the most common manifestations.

Most cases with accompanying symptoms show improvement with metronidazole antibiotic therapy.

Routine staining methods (haematoxylin & eosin & Warthin-Starry) can identify spirochetes on the surface of enterocytes.
Histologically, characteristic findings include a decrease in microvilli &a predominantly eosinophilic inflammatory infiltrate.

#Pathologists #pathology Colonoscopic biopsy compare...
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Let's go back to the basics. Syphilis is from an infection by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. Usually spread by sexual means, syphilis has three main stages of disease.

Primary infection usually presents as a papule that turns into a painless ulcer called a chancre.
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Time from inoculation to chancre usually is 10-90 days (21 days is most typical).

There is a rare variant where the patient can get many smaller ulcerations, which is called Follman balanitis.
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A 27-YO ♂️ with #HIV & #syphilis, condomless receptive & insertive vaginal, anal, & oral intercourse with male & female partners: a diffuse, erythematous, macular rash (involved the palms) & umbilicated, pustular lesions on face, arms (A), legs, trunk (B, flank) & neck (C)
PCR swabbed lesions:➕for #monkeypox

MONKEYPOX in a sexually-active man with HIV and SYPHILIS

He was started on antiretroviral therapy for his recent diagnosis of HIV, & administered IM benzathine penicillin G for syphilis.
#IDtwitter #dermatology
As direct contact is the primary mode of transmission, sexual intimacy has been identified as a risk factor for #Mpox, and a high proportion of the current multinational outbreak has been in men who have sex with men.

#MedTwitter #Doctor
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1/ You all ready to learn??? ⏲️ for another teaching case, #neurotwitter #medtwitter #neurorads!!!
2/ Young adult who has been having dysuria for several days, who also has developed LE weakness leading to difficulty with ambulation. Did have an #URI last week but feels completely improved from that.
3/ Denies numbness, no back/neck pain, no trauma. On exam, has 4/5 strength in bilateral lowers, full strength uppers, has ¾ reflexes on patellar and Achilles with 5-7 beats clonus at the ankle, toes are down-going. No sensory deficits. What’s in your differential? 🤔 Think #UMN
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1) A common misconception in Asian Twitter & Reddit spaces is that AMs & WFs have lower rates of STDs than AFs, implying AMs are more incel than AFs. However stats from @CDCgov indicate otherwise. A long thread. #STDawareness #asian #asianmalewhitefemale #whitemaleasianfemale
2) The claim that AMs and WFs have lower rates of STDs than AFs come from this study by Hahm et al:…, which found that AAPI females report STDs four times more than AAPI males & about 50% more than WFs. #AAPI #STDawareness #STDfacts #Asiansgonewild
3) However, if you look at Hahm et al's method of measuring STD rates, it's just a question asking if a doctor or nurse told the participant they had certain STDs, including HPV, bacterial vaginosis and nongonococcal vaginitis.… #STDawareness #AAPI
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Annie Luetkemeyer (@annieluet) reports doxycycline PEP reduces risk of STIs for gay/bi men & trans women on #PrEP (incidence 32% vs 11%) & #HIV+ (31% vs 12%) — even more so for those who used it consistently. @UCSF #AIDS2022
DoxyPEP led to reductions in #gonorrhea, #chlamydia & #syphilis. Analysis of antibiotic resistance & gut microbiome is underway. #AIDS2022
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🧵 #IDtwitter , the #ImagesinID files bring us this tongue lesion 🔍 🗂 #IdBoardReview #MedTwitter

44 year old male, HIV (+), non adherent to antiretroviral therapy (CD4 120) presents for evaluation of this lesion: Image credits: Academia Esp...
🤔 The most likely microorganism responsible for this finding is:
🪡1/5 B) Treponema Pallidum

This patient presents with a syphilitic gumma in the setting of tertiary syphilis

Although gummatous disease is uncommon, HIV patients have an increased risk of developing gummas most frequently in the oral cavity, skin or a viscera.
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Ich habe #Affenpocken.

Damit bin 1 von 142 laborbestätigten Fällen in Berlin.

& es wird Zeit, dass ich darüber spreche. Einerseits, weil es sehr viel Unklarheiten über Ansteckung, Verlauf & Symptome der Krankheit gibt. Andererseits, weil bereits ein 🐒🦠 #Stigma existiert. 1/

Ich kann natürlich nichts zu den anderen Fällen sagen, über deren Ansteckung oder Verlauf; ich kann nur sehr persönlich darüber erzählen, sehr subjektiv, & nach meinem eigenen Wissensstand (14.06.2022). Ich bin kein Forscher & kein Mediziner. 2/
Angefangen hat es bei mir vermutlich mit einem eher "atypischen Husten" (Quelle: Gesundheitsamt Lichtenberg), der entweder zu den neuen Symptomen der Krankheit oder zu den zufällig auftretenden, sogenannten "begleitenden Infektionskrankheit" zählt. 3/
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✨Update from @UKHSA on #monkeypox cases

- 4 additional cases have been detected (3 in #London and 1 linked case in NE #England)
- These cases have NO connection to those announced on 14 May and the imported case from 7 May

Full details and more info👇…
- The four new cases all appear to have been infected in #London and are gay, bisexual, or MSM
- Common contacts have been identified for 2/4 cases
-No link to travel to a country where #monkeypox is endemic
-All have West African clade of virus
-Further investigation is ongoing
- #monkeypox is spread by close contact
- Typical symptoms are fever, headache, muscle aches, backache, swollen lymph nodes
-Rash can develop and spread to other parts of the body including the genitals - it may look like #syphilis #herpes #chickenpox
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10 fatos sobre sífilis, uma infecção cercada de mitos e já complexa por natureza, mas que todo mundo deveria conhecer melhor.

A grande enganadora. 👻

Compartilhe o fio e ajude pessoas que possam estar passando por isso.
Fatos sobre sífilis

1) Os casos estão aumentando. Mas isso vem de muito tempo. Não é ‘por causa da PrEP.’ No ano passado tivemos uma queda mas provavelmente foi pela gigante subnotificação e pela baixa testagem na pandemia.
2) Não precisa de ejaculação para transmitir. O contato com úlcera já é suficiente. Sexo oral transmite también e tem sido reconhecida como uma importante fonte de transmissão.

3) A taxa de transmissão é alta 30% nas primeiras semanas mas cai drasticamente após um ano.
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🐛 Tablas de tratamiento de ITS actualizadas según nuevos cambios (dosis, manejo, etc.) que han ido surgiendo en las principales guías clínicas de #ITS 💥 Las voy poniendo al día a medida que salen novedades 😉

Comparto, por si os sirve 🧵
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 🐛 #Gonorrea #Gonococo
Chlamydia trachomatis 🐛 #Chlamydia #Clamidia
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Some cool #Syphilis Pearls from an article that @k_vaishnani shared… Primary syphilis first manifests into a painless chancre at the site of inoculation 1 to 6 weeks later…
Hematogenous dissemination then can occur typically 4 to 10 weeks later, giving rise to secondary syphilis. <40% of pts w/ syphilis have primary syphilis diagnosed. These “Secondary” lesions last for several weeks before spontaneously resolving. Coined “early, latent infection”
What does late infection mean? When syphilitic lesions recur after 1 year from the initial eruption, or seropositivity is detected more than 1 year after the initial eruption, it is termed late latent syphilis.
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Images of Infectious Diseases

28F SLE on MTX
CC chest pain, vaginal DC
Rx pred for lupus

2 mo: fatigue, pruritic rash, visual floaters Rx pred

1 mo: blurred vision. PE iritis / chorioretinitis. Rx pred

Now b/l vision loss. PE panuveitis + chorioretinitis

DDx? #MayoIDQ Image
28F HIV/HBV/HCV(-) SLE on MTX w chronic pain Rx as flare, vaginal discharge due to BV Rx metro (negative GC/chlamydia), skin rash x 2 w and progressive vision loss (photo). CXR clear. Indiana / no foreign travel. No animal exposures.

What is most likely diagnostic test?
Case diagnosis: bilateral ocular syphilis with neurosyphilis

RPR 1:512
Syphilis antibody with reflex: positive

Rx: IV penicillin
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1/3 Once you get the #scabies itch, it's hard to get rid of it! @michaelghead and @MedVetAcarology doing fantastic international work #NTD
2/3 Which builds on our #NTD work in the UK, would you believe. Here's why we're looking forward to seeing #scabies again in #carehomes as #COVID19 ebbs…
3/3 With #scabies - like #COVID19 - we must ask "Can rates of infection be too low?" Same for #syphilis - took early #AIDS epidemic in #UK, and Maoism in #China. Something I ask students when teaching on #STI #HIV. Serious question.
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Und jetzt auch noch dies:

#Syphilis breitet sich in #Sachsen rasant aus…
Sorry liebe Leute, mit der Überschrift

"#Syphilis breitet sich in #Sachsen rasant aus"

wurden wohl bestimmte Meinungsbilder über einen möglichen Zusammenhang von #Corona-#Leugnern bzw. #Maskengegnern und deren #Sexualverhalten angesprochen.

Ist aber ein ernstes Thema.
So sei in #Sachsen die Zahl der mit #Syphilis Infizierten 2019 binnen eines Jahres von 247 auf 373 angestiegen.

"In keinem anderen Bundesland hat sich die Fallzahl so stark erhöht", erklärte der Bundestagsabgeordnete CDU-Politiker Alexander Krauß und forderte mehr #Aufklärung.
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#polio, let's go right to the beginning to understand that vaxx did nothing to eradicate it. So what is polio? In simple terms it is the inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord. It can also occur in the brainstem. Image
We have been conditioned to believe that polio equals braced limbs, iron lungs etc. Actually only those infected with #bulbarpoliomyelitis, which affects the brainstem, were placed in #ironlungmachines Image
We've also been conditioned to believe that polio was wide-spread, which actually is not the case at all. Naturally existing poliovirus was a common bowel inhabitant for
millennia, always there, continuously circulating through humans,
but never causing paralysis. Image
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Many people have #syphilis but don't know. They keep spreading it to others through kisses, sex, etc.

We're seeing more cases of complicated syphilis in hospitals recently. But it can be treated & prevented... THREAD 🧵

Retweet for awareness
Syphilis is a Sexually Transmitted Infection, STI.

That means you get it mainly from having unprotected vaginal, anal or oral #sex!

That's why syphilis is spreading most rapidly among our sexually active ladies & guys.
Syphilis is caused by this tiny spiral germ called Treponema palladium.
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Today is the start of #SHW2020! Each day this week, I'll be tweeting about Britain's long, tempestuous and ever-so-slightly bonkers love–hate relationship with its #sexualhealth.

Darlings, brace yourselves. 💋 #SHW20 Image
We begin with the Victorians, who, contrary to popular belief, were obsessed with sex. In the C19, the only known #STIs were syphilis and gonorrhoea. Diagnosis depended on observable symptoms (no blood tests/smears). Effective treatments were non-existent. Image: @ExploreWellcome Image
In 1864 the British government introduced the Contagious Diseases Acts, intended to protect the armed forces through 'regulation' of 'common prostitutes'. The Acts gave police almost-unlimited discretionary powers to arrest any woman they thought might be soliciting. Image: HCPP Image
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This is George Grenville (1712-1770): Whig Politician, once First Lord of the Admiralty, then Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1763-1765, and later Chancellor of the Exchequer. Probably also a myeloma patient! And…the subject of #HematologyTweetstory 30, about old bones.🙂/1
Over here in America, Grenville is best known for an ill-advised policy he championed in 1765 called the “Stamp Act”: a tax on colonial documents & newspapers, which could only be printed on special paper shipped from London. This notorious Act outraged the colonists./2
In fact, when I learned about the Stamp Act in elementary school more than 200 years later (!), the teacher described it in such virulent terms that we 7-year-old lads were ready to take up muskets to defend the Stars & Stripes. There were even scuffles on the playground./3
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Many people have #Syphilis but they don't know. They keep spreading this dangerous Sexually Transmitted Infection until a lot of harm is done.

We're seeing more cases in the clinic lately so I'm sharing this coz I don't want you to be a victim.


RT ImageImage
Syphilis is a Sexually Transmitted Infection, STI. That means you get it mainly from having unprotected vaginal, anal or oral #sex!

That's why syphilis is spreading most rapidly among our sexually active ladies & gentlemen. Image
Syphilis can also be spread;

-from infected mother to her #fetus inside the womb
-through blood transfusion, &
-through breaks in the skin that come into contact with infectious lesions e.g. #kissing a person with an infected mouth wound when you have a wound in your mouth! 😘 ImageImage
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1️⃣ Syphilis is a Sexually Transmitted Infection, STI. So you get it mainly from having unprotected vaginal, anal or oral #sex!

{SHARE to create awareness!}
@DrOlufunmilayo @healthertainer ImageImage
2️⃣ Syphilis can also be gotten;

- from mother to her #fetus inside the womb

- through blood transfusion,&

- through breaks in the skin that come into contact with infectious lesions e.g. kissing a person with a mouth wound when you have a wound in your mouth!
3️⃣ #Syphilis may cause symptoms very similar to many other diseases. Hence it may be difficult to know you have syphilis.

That's why the disease is also dubbed "the great imitator"!
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 6/12/2020-2…

What Doctors on the Front Lines Wish They’d Known a Month Ago - The New York Times…

#CommonSense #Covid19 #Doctors #coronavirus
Don’t Lose the Thread. The Economy Is Experiencing an Epic Collapse of Demand. - The New York Times…

#collapse #epic #demand #economy
Defund (and redesign) everything. - Deep Code - Medium…

#defund #institutions #redesign
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SPECIAL ANALYSIS: Grisly experiments have become synonymous with the #US government, which has meted out untold horrors against humans and animals alike.
By: John Whitehead
#COVID19 #EarthDay
The cannibalistic experiments involve killing cats and dogs purchased from Colombia, #Brazil, Vietnam, China and Ethiopia, and then feeding the dead remains to laboratory kittens, bred in government laboratories for the purpose of being infected with a disease and then killed. Image
"We the people” have also become the #Police state guinea pigs. Back in 2017, FEMA “inadvertently” exposed nearly 10,000 #firefighters, paramedics and other responders to a deadly form of ricin during simulated #BioTerrorism response sessions.
#COVID19 #lockdown Image
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