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Apr 24th 2023
One phenomenon that can affect clinical trials is the #HawthorneEffect. This is when purely being involved in a trial can improve performance. 1/9
The #HawthorneEffect was named after a famous set of experiments at the Hawthorne Western Electric plant, Illinois in the 1920/30s. 2/9
In one experiment lighting levels were repeatedly changed & with each change, productivity increased .. even when reverting to poorer lighting. This was attributed to workers knowing their work was being observed. Productivity returned to normal after the experiments ended 3/9
Read 9 tweets
Oct 20th 2021
BASIL-C19 Trial. Targeting social isolation, loneliness & depression in older people. 🧵on our #UrgentPublicHealth trial during COVID. just published in @PLOSMedicine!…
TL:DR COVID has increased social isolation, & risk of depression & toxic loneliness. A behavioural intervention helped older ppl maintain social interaction & networks. strong signal of effect in reducing loneliness. bigger trial underway. NHS is amazing. Image
Our #COVID19 trials programme is called Behavioural Activation in Social Isolation (BASIL), and here is a dodgy video of me:
Read 20 tweets

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